Friday, March 05, 2004Thompson Fallout: Big Bill: Tone Deaf? Rep's Godbey & White Drive The Stake Deeper; Quiet On The Joe FrontThe Big Guy said Thompson "deserves a second chance,... is a first-rate lawmaker" and a "first-rate human being. At this difficult time for Joe and his family, we should all offer him our support." Say what, Bill? No condemnation of the drunk-driving? No dismay in a top legislator who sponsored tough DWI bills only to commit the crime? No throw of a bone to the anti-drunk driving crowd and others decrying the "hypocrisy?" KOB-TV, among others, hit hard again last night pointing out that Bill says he is the Guv who has no tolerance for any state employee driving drunk, but did not apply that standard to Rep. Thompson. BIG BILL: MY PAL JOEY The Big Fella's bouquet to the House Minority Whip perplexed politicos. But one Republican said Thompson is the type of GOP legislator Bill likes. "He did not raise any noise this session on any of the governor's legislation and he did not bring up any controversial issues so the GOP could embarrass the governor." said a deep insider. Others pointed to Thompson's coziness with some Dem legislators, including Ken Martinez of ignition interlock infamy, as the political reasoning behind Bill's peck on the Thompson cheek. Other observers claimed to be "mystified" and "astounded" by the Guv's love letter to Joe, which contrasts starkly with Big Bill's pre-session assertion that "DWI is my top priority." The voices of anti-drunk driving activists, Thompson's constituents on TV and callers to Jim Villanucci's KKOB radio show apparently were lost on the Fourth Floor. But the message was heard clearly here in the big city: public tolerance for legislators driving drunk is nil. And, Joe's embrace of tough laws and then violating them, especially rankled an electorate who often see the Legislature and Guv as protectors of special interests. As those comments echoed, Big Bill, self-identified agent of change, looked more like leader of the status-quo. ![]() The Griego-Stewart binges happened some five years ago. It was Big Bill who helped push the DWI issue to the top of the heap. Thompson was aware of the new public attitude when he withdrew from the PRC race right away. Didn't the Guv hear that? Or was he too focused on giving Thompson some payback for past help? Message to the Fourth Floor: Check the hearing aid section of your local Wal-Mart. We need the Guv back. Meanwhile, Thompson's foes in his own party were quick to pile on Thursday. GOP State Rep. Bob White of the ABQ NE Heights called for Thompson to resign as Minority Whip. And State Rep. Ron Godbey of the East Mountains called for Thompson to resign all together. White is being challenged by Justine Young, the legal secretary to Mickey Barnett and Thompson. And the duo have fielded Republican opponents against Godbey for several election cycles. It is this "primarying" of fellow Republicans that has caused so much of the intraparty war. Opponents of the Dendhal-Barnett-Thompson faction are hoping to end it all by ousting Barnett from his Republican national committeeman's post at the state GOP convention in June. THE HANGOVER ![]() Thompson is only 37. His nightmare week will not be the end of him. But his arrest, reported nationwide, was a step back for the image of New Mexico, its Governor, Legislature and its politics. Perhaps those commenting on this should keep that in mind when they say its a "personal" matter. Make our site one of your 'favorites.' Bookmark it now and send a link to interested friends. Want to advertise to NM's large political community? Email me or call 505-243-4059 for details. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2004 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Thursday, March 04, 2004NM's Latest DWI Victim: State Rep. Joe Thompson; GOP "Golden Boy" Tarnished; Career In Tatters; Dendahlites In Shock, Plus: Bush NM Campaign News
Rep. Thompson
![]() The first order of business is that ABQ PRC seat being vacated by Herb Hughes in which Thompson and former ABQ City Councilor Hess Yntema are the main players. Yntema condemned Thompson's arrest and told me "Republicans need to do better." He also slyly took note of that mass email sent out on behalf of Thompson (see my March 2 report) by ex-Guv Gary Johnson, House GOP leader Ted Hobbs, State Reps. Larranaga and Youngberg and others touting the virtues of Thompson. "I wonder what impact all this is having on them?" Hess mused. For Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White the impact was a double whammy. He was treasurer for Thompson's PRC campaign, only to have it dissolve as the result of a DWI, the hottest of political potatoes for elected lawmen. D-W-I= Y-N-T-E-M-A ![]() DENDAHLITES SHOCKED Thompson, 37, was an important player in the ongoing GOP war over party power between the forces of ex-state GOP Chair Dendahl and those now in power under current Chair Gorham. Thompson, said one GOP insider, was 'the golden boy" of the Dendahlites and its chief ringleader, GOP National Committeeman and attorney-lobbyist Mickey Barnett. Attorney Thompson and Barnett practice law together. When Johnson was Guv the trio made for a powerful troika. Thompson on the PRC would have enhanced Barnett's power, but it is not to be. And Mickey's re-election as national committeeman at the GOP state convention in June will also not be, if the Gorham camp gets its way. Former Light Guv Walter Bradley will challenge Mickey and the turn of events with Thompson plays into his hands nicely. (Thompson served as Bradley's Chief of Staff in the Lt. Guv's office). So far, the Denahdlites and Barnett have come up with just one solid opponent to an incumbent GOP legislator, hardly a threat. But the threat hanging over the heads of other GOP lawmakers that they could draw primary opposition if they don't toe the line has helped the Barnett forces cling to some power. With Thompson on the ropes and Bradley waiting in the wings, their final days may be near. Meanwhile, back at the Thompson ranch, ex ABQ City Councilor Greg Payne is preparing to take over the Thompson House seat with no announced opposition. Some politicos wondered late last night if Thompson would seek to get his House seat back now that he's dropped the PRC bid. But insiders close to Thompson tell "NM Politics With Joe Monahan" "no way." And no wonder. Thompson not only has the DWI, but he was a chief sponsor of the DWI reform laws in the recent session of the Legislature. The media last night hit hard, with KRQE-TV making the connection right off the bat, and KOB-TV's Neil Simon reporting that anti-drunk driving activists are condemning the Legislature and Thompson for "hypocrisy" as one of their own is caught in the legal snare. GOODBYE JOE Thompson was prepared to run an aggressive campaign for the PRC and he would have had some family help. His father-in-law is one time congressional candidate and wealthy Santa Fe entrepreneur Greg Bemis. And so it ends. A mistake that would be a personal setback for someone not in the public eye is a career-ender for those who crave the power and glory only to be had by entering the well-lighted stage of La Politica. BUSH CAMPAIGN NAMES NM DIRECTOR ![]() The RNC has been playing tough with Gorham who has dueled with the Dendahlites and the RNC over state party influence in the Prez effort. Meanwhile, political veteran Scott Jennings leads the other Bush committee here, and is preparing to set up offices on Osuna NE in ABQ. The hardball continues, insiders say, but grudging progress is being made toward ending the ongoing strife. The Trib's Shea Andersen is working on a story on all this and I will post it here when complete. Make our site one of your 'favorites.' Bookmark it now and send a link to interested friends. Want to advertise to NM's large political community? Email me or call 505-243-4059 for details. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2004 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Wednesday, March 03, 2004STATE REP. THOMPSON BUSTED FOR DWI: WITHDRAWS FROM PUBLIC REGULATION COMMISSION RACE; DETAILS TO FOLLOW![]() Friends of Thompson's tell me he was with fellow GOP State Rep. Eric Youngberg of Sandoval county before the two parted ways and headed out of Downtown in separate vehicles. Thompson registered a blood alcohol level of .12, with .08 being legally drunk. At first he denied having been drinking. Thompson announced earlier this year he would leave the state house after two terms to seek the PRC job.Now, according to his statement, he will seek "whatever treatment is necessary." (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2004 Not for reproduction without permission of the author First Paid Media Hits ABQ Congressional Race; "Hello Miles, Goodbye Heather" Plus: I'm Seeing A Lot Of Green, And: NM Election Results
Miles Nelson
![]() Nelson's effort to catch the early buzz can't hurt since the race has been seen as a cakewalk for Romero, who won the nomination two years ago, only to get beaten by Heather. Nelson's crew is hoping retired DEA Agent Eli Chavez can split enough of the Hispanic vote to give Miles a chance at the big prize. One of my 1st CD experts tells me Chavez will need to get in the 20 per cent range to hurt Romero enough for Miles to win, billboards or no billboards. Newcomer Nelson will also need help from long established politicos in the ABQ Valley if that dream is to come true. Perhaps he will make a call to that old Romero rival State Sen. Manny Aragon and his boys and try to get Manny to carry water for Eli so he could give give Richard some "payback." But there's another guy in this race. Big Bill. You know he wants a hand in the action, and Richard has already had the Big Fella appear for him at an event or two. So far, that makes one billboard against one Big Bill. But Nelson is shooting in the right direction. He has to jar expectations early in his race, or his billboards will start looking like tombstones faster than you can say "Hello Heather, Goodbye Miles." A GREEN IN A WHITE HOUSE ![]() NM ELECTION RESULTS ABQ architect John Hooker lost his bid for re-election by just four votes last night to Larry Abraham. Reminds me of that Los Ranchos battle last decade when Harry Stowers won that job by just one vote! They like em' close in that little village in NW Bernalillo County. I had lunch with John Friday who fretted about all the money Larry was spending to win the job. But the enchiladas we had were winners. Condolences John, and congrats to Larry whose only other elected office win before last night was as student senator at UNM in the 70's where I covered the goings-on as a Daily Lobo reporter. KOB-TV won the election night coverage on the web, posting statewide results for most of the cities and towns having city contests. No other electronic media competed. KOB-TV Election Results Make our site one of your 'favorites.' Bookmark it now and send a link to interested friends. Want to advertise to NM's large political community? Email me or call 505-243-4059 for details. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2004 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Tuesday, March 02, 2004Governor Gary Back In The Fray: Backs Thompson Over Yntema For PRC; Hard Battle Ahead As GOP Takes Sides. And: Politicos, Get Your Web Sites Up!
![]() Responding to Johnson's e-mail for Thompson urging R's to sign Joe's petitions, Yntema fires back "that I have been a Republican longer than Gary Johnson" and "I am discouraged" by Gary's interference in an intraparty battle. "Perhaps he doesn't know all the candidates that are in the race." Yntema chided. Of course, he knows who is in the race. Thompson was a loyal soldier for Gary, carrying his controversial drug legalization bills. Among other R's signing up for Thompson's cause, according to the e-mail, are state House GOP leader Ted Hobbs, ABQ State Rep's Rory Ogle, Larry Larranaga and Eric Youngberger. Larranaga faces a tough fight for re-nomination against former Rep. Rob Burpo. Hobbs may face a fight next year to stay on as minority leader. Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White has signed up as Thompson's treasurer. Thompson will need their help. Yntema, a former two-term ABQ City councilor has earned a good deal of name ID and newspaper praise for his push for ethical government. And, he says the PRC race is going to be about "the independence"" of the PRC which has been tarnished by conflict-of interest charges. Yntema let it be known he will be looking at Thompson's campaign contributions closely to see "if any of the money he previously collected for his legislative races will be funneled to his PRC bid," and whether any of that money came from industries the PRC regulates. ![]() It used to be that endorsing a fellow Republican in a contested primary was verboten. But Pete Domenici rewrote the rule book when he interfered in the congressional primary in 98' to back Heather Wilson. And now Gary is doing the same. And what about Gary's political future, if he wants one? Another run at governor appears unlikely. But a self-financed run for U.S. Senate might be a peak that calls to the Everest climbing athlete. Note that I said "self-financed. Gary is not into team sports. NEED A POLITICAL HOME ON THE NET? HERE'S THE DEAL ![]() Whether you are running for Congress, the Roundhouse or a county or city position, you know a web site is a political necessity. But where can you get one done and be assured you get quality at a reasonable price? That's where David McLaughlin and his firm "" can help. They specialize in political web sites and can set up yours. Senators, Congressmen and state and county officials have all utilized Dave's firm. If you are seeking office, or planning a run, call him and get going on building your home on the net. Just click on the logo. Dave is well-informed and his rates are very reasonable. Be sure to mention you found him here. Make our site one of your 'favorites.' Bookmark it now and send a link to interested friends. Want to advertise to NM's large political community? Email me or call 505-243-4059 for details. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2004 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Monday, March 01, 2004Payne & Pino: Their Commentaries End As Their Campaigns Begin. And Big Bill: "Little Caesar?"![]() Payne ![]() Actually, the two contenders have done pretty well keeping themselves in the public eye. Sometimes media management decides to dump prospective politicos as soon as they mention their intentions to seek office. But Pino and Payne have been able to continue toiling in the media vineyard even while the political community was fully aware of their candidacies. If a radio or TV station keeps an announced candidate on the air once they become an "official" candidate that station is then required to give equal time to any opponents. That is a rarity. But back in the 1970's, at then talk station KZIA, a couple of the hosts did stay on the air while running campaigns. The opponents of these prospective politicos did not take up the station's offer of equal time. Lucky for the station which would have been subjected to a non-stop political gabfest. There are no government guidelines, of course, for newspapers which do not lease the public airwaves, but the papers' self-imposed line has blurred in recent years with prospective politicos penning punditry far closer to the start of their races than years past. Payne has no announced GOP opposition yet, although rumors continue to circulate that the Dendahl wing of the party is looking for an opponent for him. But the former ABQ councilor is seen by observers as an easy winner no matter the opposition. Jerry has former City Councilor Adele Baca-Hundley and attorney Reggie Garcia as apparent opponents, and a member of the ABQ Valley Alarid family also may be eyeing the contest. Payne and Pino tell me they hope to re-enter the media gates win or lose this November. Hail, Caesar! ![]() Make our site one of your 'favorites.' Bookmark it now and send a link to interested friends. Want to advertise to NM's large political community? Email me or call 505-243-4059 for details. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2004 Not for reproduction without permission of the author |
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