Friday, November 07, 2008Heavy Pushback From Guv's Team On China Ambassador Speculation; Not In The Cards, They Say![]() "I won't use the word never, but the Governor is saying that the source of this speculation is not accurate," informed Pahl Shipley, a senior aide to Bill. Earlier, the Guv's press director also moved quickly to strike down the China talk that started here and was picked up by other media, including KOB-TV. Our source maintains his position that the China ambassador job is in play. (See Friday blog). Earlier this year when we blogged that James Jimenez then the Governor's chief of staff was about to depart, the Guv's team told the ABQ Journal that that report was also inaccurate. Jimenez left several weeks later. Let's see what happens with this one. Someone is going to be proven right soon enough.
(c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2008 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Thursday, November 06, 2008Tim Jennings Sleeps With The Fishes; Plot To Take Him Out Underway, Plus: The China Syndrome; Bill As Ambassador? And: More Election Fallout
Sen. Jennings
![]() State Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez of Belen is seen by the same political circles as surviving in his position when the Legislature meets for a sixty day session in January. He is seen as acquiescing to sacrificing Jennings or else he could end up sleeping at the bottom of the river. Who would replace Jennings who has significant influence over Senate committee assignments? Names floating include Senators Pete Campos, Carlos Sisneros. Linda Lopez and Phil Griego. One other angle. Will the libs make a move on Senate Finance Committee boss John Arthur Smith? The conservative legislator, known by Big Bill as "Dr. No" for warning of state funding shortfalls, is a major stumbling block to spending more money on government programs. THE CHINA SYNDROME ![]() The Governor has a confirmed meeting with Obama in mid-November at which time an offer for him to be Ambassador to China will be accepted. Remember, Ambassador to China is where the first George Bush got a step up. This comes from deep inside Obama's camp, and from what I can tell very, very reliable...The Gov. responded several weeks ago to a request from Obama about what four positions he would take and how he was qualified for them. The four the Gov. sent in were: Secretary of State, President of the World Bank, Secretary of Commerce and Ambassador to China. That's pretty darn specific from a Senior Alligator. We'll see. The Governor's office reacted to this report Thursday. "There is no meeting scheduled. Why would he take either of those jobs (ambassador to China or World Bank"?) Well, they are pretty good jobs, maybe that's why. But we'll let Bill's statement stand for itself. We rechecked and our sources are sticking to their guns--that a meeting between Bill and Obama has been set. The possibility of Bill becoming China ambassador was mentioned on this blog several weeks ago. It seems it is more, much more, than idle chatter. Stay tuned. TRANSITION TIME We didn't see Big Bill's name on the list of those selected to lead and/or help out with the Obama transition. Federico Peña, a former Clinton cabinet member under President Clinton, like Big Bill, was on the list of advisory board members. Some of the Gators told us to watch for Bill to pop up on the transition team, but we're not going to read too much into the fact that he hasn't. TRACKING TURNOUT ![]() THE WIPEOUT From deep in La Politica, in the South Valley of ABQ, comes this take on the crushing defeat of state Republicans Tuesday night: "It was worse than Custer. At least Custer shot a few." And just how did Obama do it? "Hispanics and the Albuquerque area delivered the knockout punch for Barack Obama..." analyzes the AP's Barry Massey. Who can argue with that? Barack carried Bernalillo County by 59,000 votes, dropping jaws to the floor at our KANW broadcast. WONDERING ABOUT WEH Republicans were heard wondering aloud Wednesday if NM GOP Chairman Allen Weh would resign now because of the party's election disaster. "It would be the dignified thing to do," said one. A new party chairman is to be selected in January. No heavy weight names are circulating yet. RYAN'S RIDE ![]() The district also covers precincts in Sandoval County, including the Corrales area. Ryan won 51.3% to 48.7%. It was Raigoza's second try. He lost a primary election in 2004. We had earlier blogged that he opposed Ryan that year. It was John Hooker who four years ago beat Raigoza in the Dem primary and then lost to Ryan. ZANETTI'S LOSS ABQ GOP State Rep. Teresa Zanetti lost, in part, because she only hit the mailboxes a couple of times, analyzed Dem John Wertheim. "Bill O'Neill worked it harder and she got caught in the Obama tidal wave." He said. O'Neill, in his second attempt, took the seat 52% to 48%. THE NEWBIE CREW We talk with KOB-TV's Stuart Dyson about the state's all new freshman US House delegation. IT WAS BUSY AG King ![]() E-mail your news and comments. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2008 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Wednesday, November 05, 2008BERNALILLO COUNTY BLOWOUT LEADS TO HISTORIC VICTORY FOR NM DEMS; THEY SWEEP CONGRESS SEATS; OBAMA WINS; MORE D'S TO SANTA FE![]() It was one for the ages, with numbers posted in Bernalillo County that left you wondering whether you would ever see the likes of them again. Tom Udall beat Steve Pearce by an astonishing 75,000 votes in the state's largest county, coming in with 63% of the vote. Statewide Pearce was landlsided 61% to 39% as Udall allowed Pearce to flex a minor muscle or two on his southern congressional district, but that was all,. It was over one minute at the polls closed, an ominous sign for the Republicans of the Tsunami wave that was about to sweep them away. Dems partied mightily over the Senate victory as it means they will reclaim the seat held by Republican Pete Domenici since 1973, but their most satisfying win and the one they showcased for the 10 p.m. news audience was the historic win of Democrat Martin Heinrich for the ABQ congressional seat. After decades of heart breakers often led by high-profile candidates, it was the unheralded Heinrich, a former one term ABQ city councilor, who finally ended the GOP's 40 year old stranglehold on the seat. What was supposed to be a cliffhanger quickly turned into a rout. When the early and absentee vote was released Heinrich took a nearly 30,000 vote lead in Bernalillo County. You could see the white flags go up at the ABQ Marriott where state Republicans gathered. Into the early morning hours Heinrich held to a 31,000 vote lead--161,551 to 130,101 with 55% of the vote to White's 45%. The champagne poured at the ABQ Convention Center where the Dems rejoiced, but the liquor turned to embalming fluid at the mournful gathering of R's. SOUTHERN SAILING ![]() The foregone conclusion known as the northern US House race went as predicted. Democrat Ben Ray Lujan took it in a landslide, garnering 56% of the vote to R Dan East's 30 percent. Lujan's night was shadowed a bit by a strong performance from independent Carol Miller. She was scoring an impressive 14% of the vote, denying Ben Ray the 60% that a Dem can usually rely on in the north. OBAMA MANIA
Did we forget the presidency? Well, New Mexico was called by the networks for Obama not long after the Udall Senate victory. Obama overwhelmed McCain in big Bernalillo by a stunning 58,000 votes, winning it with nearly 60%. The jaw-dropping feat in the county that is home to the state's Republican Party was so sweeping it raised questions about the viability of the R's for the immediate future,. Everything was swept away. There is nothing left to rebuild. Obama is making them start all over. His statewide win was 57% to McCain's 42% with minor parties getting the other 4 percent. With 98 percent of the vote in, Obama was leading by 115,000 votes. Exit pollsshowed he carried the Hispanic vote 69 to 31 percent, and they appeared to have turned out in healthy numbers. R turnout had to drop. The independents came home in droves to Obama and the Dems. Anglo voters went with McCain. A MOMENT IN TIME ![]() TSUNAMI ROLLS ON And the Tsunami rolled on--into the halls of Santa Fe's fabled Roundhouse. It appeared ABQ GOP State Rep. Justine Fox-Young was drowned in the Dem tide. The political lungs of ABQ GOP Rep. Eric Youngberg were filled with deadly Dem water. GOP State Senator Steve Komadina could not escape the wave that rushed outward from Bernalillo County and into neighboring Sandoval County. Komadina's race with John Sapien was so close, there will be a recont to determine the winner. In the South the waters were deep indeed. State Senate Minority Whip Lee Rawson appeared to have been lost to the political seas, although there were still absentees to be counted. Even those who tried to surf the wave--a somewhat moderate R like ABQ GOP State Rep. Teresa Zanetti--was shown no mercy. She was pulled into the Obama whirlpool, her voice silenced by Dem Bill O'Neill. Two term GOP State Senator Diane Snyder was warned that the waters could find her first. They did. Dem Tim Eichenberg claimed her Senate seat early and swiftly. The loss of the two Senate seats changed the balance of power from 24 Dems and 18 R's to 26 Dems and 16 R's, not counting the possible Rawson loss. "The fight for the leadership in the Senate is going to be completely dysfunctional. Who knows what will happen," offered a Santa Fe wall-leaner late in the evening. Majority Leader Michael Sanchez and President Pro Tem Jennings, who took a hit for doing a robocall for Rawson, could only wait for the waters to subside before deciding their moves. The state House appears to go to 45 D's and 25 R's. KARI'S TRIPLE There were no bright spots for the R's in what one of them called a "near extinction level event." Bernalillo County District Attorney Kari Brandenburg easily dispatched R Lisa Torraco who some thought might put up a fight, but Obama and Kari's own last-minute campaigning, made sure she didn't. Kari will do a third four year term. THE IMPACT Big Bill was a big winner. Obama won. Bill will likely be leaving the Guv's chair and joining the administration. Reliable insiders we trust say it will not be as Secretary of State. They say a meeting has been scheduled with Obama. A job will be settled on soon, if it hasn't been already. DENISH DAYS State #2 Diane Denish is now more likely to become Governor. A constitutional amendment that would allow her to appoint a lieutenant governor to fill the vacancy created if she does become Guv easily passed last night. The line now forms outside her door. TURNOUT Bernalillo County appeared to come close to our projected turnout of 295,000 voters, or about 75% of those registered. It appeared over 280,000 cast ballots, much of it prompted by the Dem early vote machine. Statewide, turnout appeared to come short of our 72 percent projection. It appears it came in at about 66%. But that was good for Obama and the Dems. Big Bernalillo met expectations and its influenced apparently exaggerated by a falling off in turnout in rural and Republican leaning NM. DESTRUCTION: UTTER AND TOTAL ![]() WHAT NOW, DEMS? NM Attorney General Gary King stopped by our studios late last night and wondered aloud about the thousands of new voters who came to the polls and created the tsunami that gave Dems huge margins of victory. "They want to see things get done--like universal healthcare--we Democrats are being asked to deliver. That is the expectation and if we don't, we could be the ones in trouble." E-mail your news and comments. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2008 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Tuesday, November 04, 2008It's Here: Election Day 2008; Last Minute Nerves & Power Plays, Plus: Join Us For Election Night Coverage On 89.1 FM ABQ/Santa Fe at 5 P.M.
![]() On our KANW 89.1 FM Election Eve special Monday veteran lobbyist Scott Scanland remained unshaken. "It will be 5 to 0--a sweep of all five congressional seats by the Democrats." Former NM Democratic Party Chairman John Wertheim agreed, but both he and Scanland said they will be watching most closely the ABQ congressional race between Dem Martin Heinrich and Darren White. The sheriff was working furiously to the end. He got some help from former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani who was heard on a robo call going out to households in the ABQ area district. State Rep. Larry Larranaga says he senses White is coming on. He will not give up until he sees the votes tonight. DEM WORRIERS ![]() Those will be either words of wisdom or words to eat crow by. We'll know soon enough. We start counting the votes on KANW tonight at 5 p.m. Mountain Time. You can hear us on the FM dial in ABQ/ Santa Fe at 89.1 FM and anywhere you are via the KANW Web site where we will stream the audio. My panel, including veteran ABQ Journal Washington correspondent Michael Coleman and longtime ABQ GOP State Rep. Larry Larranaga wondered aloud if some state bond issues could be in trouble, or only narrowly pass, because of the troubled economic times. Something to watch for. BILL'S BEARD GONE TURNOUT UPDATE About 500,000 New Mexicans have voted before Election Day, according to the Secretary of State's office. Here's what that means. Based on our projected turnout of about 850,000 voters, or 72% of those registered, we have had 59% of the vote already cast. In Bernalillo County, it appears 70% of our expected vote came in early. It makes you wonder about the future of the actual Election Day. INFIGHTING ALREADY UNDERWAY Sen. Jennings ![]() Conservative Dem State Senate powerhouse, Tim Jennings of Roswell, fearful that he will lose his president pro tem job to the cadre of new liberal senators coming into the Roundhouse, cut a robo call on behalf of Republican State Senator and Minority Whip Lee Rawson who is in a tough fight with liberal Dem Steve Fischmann to retain his Dona Ana County area seat. Jennings accuses Fischmann of "character assassination" but Fischmann has mostly talked about how Rawson got a road approved that benefitted his family's business. Hardly a personal attack. Here the robo call here. Jennings' robo call sent up cries of condemnation from Governor Big Bill and Dem House Speaker Ben Lujan, who smell what others smelled--that Jennings, if need be, was setting up the possibility of forming a coalition with state Senate R's, to retain his pro tem position. If more liberal senators are elected--like Fischmann in Dona Ana and Tim Eichenberg in ABQ--he could have a hard time retaining his leadership post in the Dem caucus or in a coalition with R's. Also, if R's lose a couple of Senate seats tonight, that makes it even more difficult for Jennings to form a coalition with the R's. If Fischmann wins tonight, liberals may be emboldened to go after the Roswell rancher who they will say needs to be punished for straying off the reservation. Another conservative Dem, State Senator Mary Kay Papen from Dona Ana County, was also playing on Jennings' side. She was said to be forwarding the robo call via e-mail. Jennings, Papen and Senator John Arthur Smith of Deming are three conservative power brokers in the upper chamber. Progressives have them in their sights, with some like Senator Cisco McSorley openly plotting to overthrow them. The plan would be for the big city liberals to join with Dem Senators from the Hispanic North to coup Jennings and Company. MORE ON THE JENNINGS COUP ![]() Big Bill, a financial backer of Fischmann and a longtime foe of fellow Dems Jennings and Smith, came with this from the Fourth Floor: “(Jennings') actions contradict what he told the Democratic State Senate Campaign Committee and me. At the very least he could have stayed silent. Instead, he has injected himself into a race against his own party at a critically important time.” Bill has a point. Putting out robo calls on Election Eve for a GOP Senator from a Dem Senator can't be good for the Obama campaign which is the Guv's chief concern at this point, as well as getting a more friendly Senate leadership if he is still going to be around here. The Election Eve split reinforces Jennings as being a politico with an impulsive streak, but it is also a harbinger of what's to come: New Mexico remains a middle-of-the-road state. New liberal senators seeking more power will be bumping against a generations-old tradition of southern conservatism. It's going to be interesting come January. MORE ON TONIGHT ![]() Our Election Night coverage is made possible by Coca Cola and the Coca Cola Bottling Company in ABQ; the Bill Campbell Agency--Realtors and Dan Serrano & Sons--Construction. OUR PLANS ![]() We'll anchor and produce KANW coverage and stay on the air as long as Bernalillo County is counting votes. We are aiming to have a complete blog of results and analysis for you by Wednesday at 5 a.m. or earlier. At noon Wednesday, we'll give post-election analysis to a gathering of the Association of Commerce and Industry in ABQ. Thursday morning at 9, we'll be with 770 KKOB-AM radio and Bob Clark to do another election post-mortem. Thanks to our election sponsors, our blog advertisers and to you for your continued support. It's been a most eventful election year and we do hope you can join us for the final hours of excitement. E-mail us your news and comments. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2008 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Monday, November 03, 2008Election Eve 2008: Maximum Pressure Still On R's, And: Big Early Turnout; Our Analysis, Plus: Our Traditional Pre-Game Show Today at 5 On 89.1 FM![]() Historically, New Mexican Republicanism has attracted swing voters and conservative Dems because of its economic views. In 2008, in the final hours, the R's have turned to their quasi-religious base. Nothing more need be said at how marginalized the state's minority party has become in the midst of an economic maelstrom. If the state goes deep blue, as it seems it will, and chooses an all Dem congressional delegation as well as increasing the D's majority in the Legislature, we could return to the days when it was the two wings of the Democratic party--moderates vs. liberals--that provided the checks and balances while a feeble GOP lies dormant. The economic devastation to the balance sheets of individuals has been colossal. It will not soon be forgotten. Religious and social conservatism works best when elections are about principles. But this election is about putting food on the table. You can't eat principles. If the Republican Party of New Mexico is not to wander in the wilderness for a decade or more, it will have to start feeding the voters what they need, not what a small band of them want. WHO'S LEFT? ![]() Even if a candidate has a strong performance in the Election Day voting, if they failed in the early vote, they have their work cut out for them. County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver managed to get the early and absentee posted early primary election night and she says she will do it again this Election Night. If she does, we will have a very good idea very early of what the night has in store. ACROSS NEW MEXICO Statewide we are looking for a turnout of about 850,000 or 72% of the 1, 184,000 registered. Will we be too low? The consensus estimate among the experts we interviewed has Obama taking the state with about 53% of the vote. Our turnout calculations say that would bring the Illinois Senator in with about 450,000 to the Arizona Senator's 400,000 or so, giving Obama a 50,000 vote win and our state's five electoral votes. Bill Clinton carried NM by 48,800 in a three way prez race in 1992. 570,000 votes were cast that year. Only once since we became a state in 1912 has NM not voted for the winner of the national popular vote. That was in '76 when we chose Ford over winner Carter. PAYNE FORECASTS R PAIN Greg Payne ![]() An electoral blow-out for Obama, but the popular vote is closer than most expect. Obama gets 353 electoral votes with 53% of the popular vote. McCain takes 185 electoral with 46%. Dems have a clean sweep of the federal delegation in New Mexico and pick up a handful of seats in the Legislature. The vote in New Mexico mirrors the nation: 53% Obama vs. 46% for McCain. Minor parties get just 1 percent. A bright spot for the GOP--Despite heavy Democrat turnout, Lisa Torraco wins the race for Bernalillo County district attorney over incumbent Democrat Kari Brandenburg. Payne now works for ABQ Dem Mayor Marty Chavez as his director of transit. Torraco winning may be wishful thinking if Obama blows the doors off in ABQ. WEATHER WISE It will be windy and cooler in parts of the state Tuesday, but no Election Day winter storm is forecast which could help the R's if one hit the north. Temps will be in the 60's for much of the state Tuesday, but we'll check again as the weather can change faster than a political pundit changing his mind. Back in 2000, a snowstorm that swiped conservative SE NM is given partial credit for Bush closing the gap with Al Gore. However, northern snowstorms are more common and they hurt the Democrats more than the R's. BLOCK VS. LASS ![]() In ABQ, PRC Dem incumbent Jason Marks is well-positioned. He is an incumbent in a district that was designed for a Republican. But he appears to have out-campaigned his R foe, Bernalillo County Commissioner Tim Cummins. Marks is also benefitting from the big Obama surge in the ABQ area. Some top Dems fear a PRC, a very powerful agency that regulates the state's utilities, could be controlled by a troika of R's David King and Cummins and and Dem Block. That, they say, would be a five member commission that would tilt away from the consumer. Their fears seem to have subsided as Marks has pulled ahead in the insider polling GAY BASH REACTION Reaction to that hit piece we posted Friday from the state GOP implying that Victor Raigoza, the Dem opponent of GOP ABQ North Valley State Senator John Ryan, is gay and "radical" for holding gay-friendly issues positions. Linda Siegel, who lobbies for Equality NM, writes: Who is that NM Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Society that endorsed Victor Raigoza? We in the gay community have never heard of it and might like to join. Seriously though, the Republican Party has within its very midst "radicals" who want to tear down Republican values--radicals like Republican state representatives Kathy McCoy, Justine Fox-Young and Senator Diane Snyder. They support domestic partnership legislation for gay and straight people. Guess the big Republican tent is not going to be well decorated. WANT IT CRAZIER? ![]() THIRD PARTY PREZ Why haven't third party prez candidates like Ralph Nader and Libertarian Bob Barr caught on this cycle? We put the question to politico Steve Cabiedes, himself once a member of the Green Party. "The more important people feel a race is, the less they vote a third party candidate...Also, you have to buy into the argument that there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the two candidates. When they fell there is a major difference between the two candidates they will not vote third party. The biggest selling point is that the two big ones don't offer you a real choice." Right now the two major parties seem to be accentuating their differences." Barr and Nader and other third party candidates seem to be headed toward getting around two percent of the vote or about 16,000 ballots. Steve will be back with us Election Night on KANW 89.1 FM collecting early returns and providing analysis. PRE-GAME IS ON THE AIR TODAY Today at 5 p.m. it will be time for our traditional, live Election Eve special on KANW 89.1 FM. The one hour broadcast will feature top NM lobbyist Scott Scanland, Democrat John Wertheim, Republican State Rep. Larry Larranaga and ABQ Journal Washington correspondent Michael Coleman. We'll run down the key races and hear our panel's predictions so join us for the fun. The program will also be streamed on the Web. ELECTION NIGHT COVERAGE ![]() What an historic night it's going to be. You can catch us on the dial or on the Web where the program will be streamed from the KANW site. This is commercial-free programming so you won't miss any of the breaking action. The experience of my NM broadcast analysts is unmatched. All have more than 20 years experience in the game. KRQE-TV will have a camera in our studios to tap into what we are doing, so look for us during their coverage. For a true understanding of what is happening in state politics, there is simply no place like KANW on Election Night. Thanks to Coca-Cola as well as ABQ's Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Bill Campbell Agency, Realtors and Serrano and Sons, Construction, for helping to make possible our pre-game show and Election Night coverage. E-mail us here. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2008 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Sunday, November 02, 2008Journal Poll Indicates Dem Sweep; Heinrich by 4; Teague By 4; Obama by 8; Udall Over Pearce By Double DigitsUPDATE: The dead tree version of the Journal has a graph that says it's Heinrich 47% to White's 43%. 10% are undecided. The graph is not on the Web.
In any event, pollster Sanderoff points out that Independent voters are positioning Heinrich for the win, although the poll's margin of error is five percent which means White is still alive by that standard. However, it is Sanderoff's last poll and it will be judged by who he has placed on top. In 2006, Patsy Madrid was placed above Heather Wilson in the final Journal survey, but Wilson won, one of the rare times the Journal survey did not have the winner on top in its last poll. That does not appear likely to happen this year. A good deal of the undecided are Independents and unless they go against the grain, Heinrich should get a good share of them. In this Oct. 28 to Oct. 30 survey, Heinrich seems positioned where he has for the past several weeks--a victory of at least 3,000 votes. The Harry Teague-Ed Tinsley race for the southern congressional seat has Hobbs oilman Teague beating Republican rancher Tinsley 45% to 41%. As we've written here over the months, Teague is performing well for a Democrat on the Republican Eastside. This race is Teague's to lose. Up North, Ben Ray Lujan is polling 51% to R Dan East's 23% and Independent Carol Miller's 12%. The only question left is whether Lujan can get to 60% which would give him added muscle when he heads to D.C. in January. PREZ RACE Obama leads McCain 51% to 43%. That's above the magic number and Obama may be able to grow it a couple of points Election Night. But McCain is coming into Roswell Election Eve to try to push Obama back below 50%. But Obama is polling a big 58% in Bernalillo County, the state's largest. If he comes anywhere close to that number Tuesday night, the race will be over. McCain will not be able to make up those votes in rural areas. SENATE CONTEST Like the northern congressional race, in the U.S. Senate battle its just a question of what Tom Udall's winning margin will be over Republican Steve Pearce. Sanderoff has it 53% to 39%. If Steve holds Tom to a single digit win, it will be a moral victory. The Journal poll confirms the Bernalillo County survey conducted for New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan by Positive Contacts Consulting Thursday night which showed Heinrich leading White 53% to 44% and Udall and Obama holding large leads. The SurveyUSA was released Saturday. Scroll down for our blog on that. And here's a KOB-TV report we interviewed for on that poll. One other note. The Republican oriented Journal editorial pages dealt a final blow to Pearce by endorsing Dem Udall for the Senate seat. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2008 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Saturday, November 01, 2008Final SurveyUSA Poll Shows Obama, Udall Lead; McCain To Roswell Election Eve
The final SurveyUSA poll was released Saturday. The ABQ Journal's last survey comes Sunday. In SurveyUSA, conducted for KOB-TV, Obama continues to lead in New Mexico--52-45%--going into the final hours. McCain will make an Election Eve stop in Roswell at 6 p.m. at the airport hangar there. Tom Udall retains a large lead--56 to 42%-- over Steve Pearce in the US Senate race. Here is the analysis from SurveyUSA:
Maybe, At the Wire, A Slight Tightening in the New Mexico President and US Senate Contests: Democrat Barack Obama defeats Republican John McCain, to capture the state's 5 electoral votes, and Democrat Tom Udall defeats Republican Steve Pearce to capture the US Senate seat vacated by Republican Peter Domenici, according to SurveyUSA's final pre-election tracking poll. In four SurveyUSA polls since mid-September, Obama has received 52%, McCain has received 44% or 45%. Of New Mexicans who tell SurveyUSA they have already voted, Obama leads big. Among those who have not yet voted, but who promise to, Obama leads small. The relative size of those two groups will determine Obama's winning margin. In the contest for United States Senate, Democrat Tom Udall defeats Republican Steve Pearce 56% to 42%, the closest Pearce has been to Udall in 4 tracking polls, and 4 points tighter than the race was mid-October. In Bernalillo County, Udall's once 24-point advance is now 13, as Pearce breaks 40% for the first time. SurveyUSA interviewed 800 New Mexico adults 10/29/08 through 10/31/08. Of them, 721 were registered to vote; of them, 664 were determined by SurveyUSA to have already voted or to be likely to vote on or before Election Day. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2008 Not for reproduction without permission of the author |
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