
Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Clippings From Out Newsroom Floor  

Sen. McSorley
Amid an ongoing and devastating bear market in oil prices, longtime ABQ Dem state Senator Cisco McSorley is now pronouncing the state of New Mexico structurally bankrupt.

That declaration comes after years of erroneous boasting by the Martinez administration about how when it took office in 2011 they resolved the "largest structural deficit in history" and it takes square aim at her performance on the state economy. She's not to blame for the crash in oil prices but when things go good, a Governor gets credit and when they go bad, well. . . .

Is McSorley exaggerating? It doesn't seem so. The legislature must fill a hole of some $200 million left over from the budget year that ended June 30. It faces a possible shortfall of $500 million for the budget year that began July 1. And there's the issue of replenishing the state's exhausted reserves. That could be another $300 million. All in all, that's a billion dollars. Where in the name of Coronado are we going to get that money? Ideas, Susana?. . .

Are you ready for 8,000 words on how the NM Spaceport isn't quite working out? Go for it.

We're sure Brent Eastwood, our avid Spaceport watcher in DC, will read every word. In the wake of the resignation of Spaceport Executive Director Christine Anderson, Eastwood comes with these thoughts;

Now is the time for the legislature to act. They should pass a bill to privatize Spaceport America and look for a new private ownership group to take over from the state. Other options for the Spaceport should be examined and debated, including creating an independent expert commission that would review Virgin Galactic ground and flight testing data to ensure better accountability and oversight regarding Virgin's space tourism plans.


A Democratic reader writes:

About your recent blog on current law allowing guns into the Roundhouse. If lawmakers believe that guns are too dangerous to be allowed into the Capitol, then they must take action to protect all New Mexicans. Legislators who support closing the gun show loophole should attach that amendment to any piece of legislation that bans guns from the Capitol. If guns kill people, pass common sense gun control laws. If guns do not kill people, then lawmakers have nothing to fear if they are brought to the people's house.


Thanks to Senior Pastor Steve Smotherman and his able staff at Legacy Church for doing a fine job in organizing the memorial service Thursday for our fallen friend and noted political consultant and pollster Bruce Donisthorpe. It was a moving tribute and well attended. Among those paying respects were two former NM GOP Chairmen--Edward Lujan and Harvey Yates--and the current chair, Debbie Weh Maestas. There were many others from the world of La Politica on hand---too numerous to mention--but they all contributed in giving Bruce a gracious and memorable send-off.

That's it for this week. Thanks for stopping by.

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