Thursday, July 07, 2005Those Old North Korean Blues; Does Big Bill Have The Cure? Plus: Eli's Coming; Gadfly Launches Bid For Guv, And: More On That Stinky APD ScandalThe Guv's office low-keyed the announcement and noted they would take their cue from the Bush Administration in going forward with any meeting in North Korea. The controversial $5.5 million planned jet plane purchase was not completely forgotten in the midst of the North Korean announcement Wednesday. KKOB-AM radio newsman Larry Mohlenbrink and I wondered aloud before a radio interview whether the new jet will be in service in time to take the New Mexican entourage on the Korean diplomatic mission. I don't think the turboprop would make it," mused Larry. ELI'S COMING; HIDE YOUR KIDS SOMETIMES CRIME PAYS New APD Chief Ray Schultz has his hands full. How can he restore trust in light of the ongoing scandal? Longtime APD critics continue to haunt him too. Take this missive from a Web site called was regularly updating what they deem APD misbehavior. They are passing around this April 17, 2001 entry: "Deputy Chief Ray Schultz announced that eight to ten APD officers faced punishment for a 1999 plot to illegally steal premium satellite television service by downloading computer software that allowed them to reprogram subscription cards. Schultz stated that none of the officers would be dismissed, but would be “reminded that they shouldn’t do things like that. Sound familiar? HIGHEST OF THE HIGH At least the chief can afford to take the heat. It turns out he is now the highest paid city employee, pulling down over 123K a year. KOB-TV's Neil Simon has been running the numbers and has the other highest paid city workers. Keep the politics coming. Email your comments, news, complaints or whatever else is on your mind. I look forward to hearing from you. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2005 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Wednesday, July 06, 2005ABQ Mayor's Race Slipping Off The Tracks; GOP Slashing Again For Winter; Mayor Marty Misfires On Voter ID As Mr. & Mrs. Albuquerque Take A SiestaWhether the mayor was "gifted" the GOP list or not, he has plenty of other things on his plate. Chief among them is getting his campaign back on solid footing after sending repeated volleys Winter's way on voter ID, only to see them deflected back on him by the "free media." Not that anyone other than you and I and other junkies noticed. Mr. & Mrs. Albuquerque are on siesta and to Hades with anyone, especially a bunch of politicians, who try to butt in on their summertime fun. But in La Politica boys will be boys. And girls will be girls. Which bring us to the subject of ABQ GOP State Rep. Justine Fox-Young. MICKEY'S FOX Rep. Fox-Young DIVIDE AND TIE? So there you have it. The Democrat mayor trying to hang on to his R's, the moderate R Brad embracing his former foes and neither candidate hitting on all cylnders. Is that what they mean by "politics makes for strange bedfellows?" Someone throw me the covers, this is too weird to watch. Summer driving plans? Check out our sponsor Enterprise-rent-a-car for great deals. Just click on their logo on this page. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2005 Not for reproduction without permission of the author Tuesday, July 05, 2005Nice Work If You Can Get It; NM Bush Campaign Workers Cash In, Plus: Heather's Pay Hike, And: Some Post-Holiday Political PotpourriShawn Sullivan, former NM GOP deputy director and Bush 04' senior field director, is now a senior advisor to an assistant secretary of defense. Scott Jennings, who was pulled into NM from Kentucky as NM director of Bush-Cheney, is now associate political director at the White House. Ken Spain, former Bush NM communications director, is now deputy chief staff for Rep. Mike Conaway of Midland, TX. Sara Lister, a Bush-Cheney deputy director, is back running Sen. Pete's PAC and also fundraising for ABQ mayoral hopeful Brad Winter. And Scott Darnell, Chris Atencio and Alexis Valdez, all former NM field Directors for "Victory '04," are working as field directors for the NM GOP. Even controversial and hot button political player Jay McCleseky landed himself a nice plum job. The former Republican National Committee consultant for the Bush campaign is now the RNC regional political director for the Southwest. One of th alumni tells me "it's safe to say most of us will b back ont he campaign trail nextyear." And why not. To the victor go the spoils. Indeed. HEATHER'S PAY HIKE POLITICAL POTPOURRI For some bizarre reason voter ID has become an issue in he ABQ mayor's race. The ABQ Tribune's Erik Siemers and I talked about it resulting in his dispatch explaining the political ins and outs on this first headline grabber of the 05' campaign. Meanwhile, Trib political reporter Kate Nash wonders about proposals in Washington to regulate blogs and bring them under the wing of the Federal Election Commission. So do I and we get together on it in her latest column. What's up in your corner of New Mexico? Let us know. Your e-mails are always welcome. There's a link at the top of the page. (c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2005 Not for reproduction without permission of the author |
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