
Tuesday, January 01, 2019

MLG Names Top Staffers But Makes Clear She Is Top Dog; Bingaman Son Debuts As Staff Chief, Plus: Who's Not In The Michelle Mix?  

Bingaman, MLG, Casados (Nott, New Mex)
Did you hear who's in charge of running the Governor's office and day-to-day government? Why, it's Michelle Lujan Grisham, that's who.

But what about newly named Chief of Staff John Bingaman, the 39 year old son of former Senator Jeff Bingaman, and Teresa Casados, the 55 year old government veteran who MLG named as Chief Operating Officer and said would be "co-equal" with Bingaman. Aren't they running the show? Well, sorta, kinda but. . .

If there was ever a Governor ready to get her hands dirty in the nitty gritty of the state bureaucracy it is Lujan Grisham. The splitting of the duties of the Governor's Chief of Staff is unprecedented. If it doesn't weaken the position it certainly gives her more room to maneuver--and control.

Some analysts immediately speculated that Bingaman and Casados are being set up to go at each others throats while MLG keeps everyone in check. But while Bingaman has built a successful private sector biz career he has no direct experience in government or the power playing that accompanies it. Casados is described by those who know her as mild-mannered, although she has plenty of local and state government experience. Those looking for a blood sport on the Fourth Floor may have to wait.

Casados did get her beak wet in the power pond when she served for a year as Governor Big Bill's Deputy Chief of Staff. She is currently Director of Senior Services for Santa Fe County, a subject near and dear to the heart of her new boss.

So, if Bingaman, an investment banker, "will oversee policy development, the legislative team and legal operations in the Governor's office" and Casados will "oversee the execution of policy and legislation, Cabinet Secretaries and manage constituent services," who's really in charge? Well, those descriptions could easily overlap so this appears to be a new experiment in running the government.

MLG is an old government hand with years of experience as a cabinet secretary, BernCo Commissioner and congresswoman. She is known for a very hands-on approach, if not micro-managing. Her top two staffing appointments tell us that style is not about to vanish. She will remain the strongest personalty in the room at staff meetings. But before the cries of "Dictator" are unleashed, remember that unlike Susana Martinez there will be no political operatives like Jay McCleskey being the "Shadow Governor." The elected official will own the government's decisions, not the political operatives or even the staff.


Of course the Alligators were chewing over what John Bingaman's entry into the political arena could mean. He has been mentioned in the past as a possible candidate for higher office but now the mentioning has taken on new meaning.

They quickly agreed that Senator Bingaman, who served as MLG's transition chairman, was instrumental in setting up his son for the job. That explains why though inexperienced in government he is starting at the top of the political world and not as an intern in the basement of the Roundhouse. And about those politics. . .

As the son of two outstanding political parents--Anne and Jeff--and with name ID and a family fortune behind him--the Gators could not be stopped from musing that if this new gig works out, it could be “like father like son”—and that US Senate or some other office could be in J.B's sights. Well, that's like forecasting it's going to be butt freezing weather in Santa Fe today. Duh. . .

By the way, that moaning you hear is from 40 something up and comers Hector Balderas, Tim Keller and Maggie Toulouse Oliver, among others. Now they have to welcome a new member to the rising star circle. Hey, Maggie, Tim and Hector, just don't grit your teeth when you shake John's hand.


There's a name missing from the Michelle Mix. That would be former BernCo Commissioner Deanna Archuleta, a reputed BFF of the Guv but now, according to the Gators, looking rebuffed. She has yet to land a position with the new government and while she was part of the transition she did not appear to make much of a dent. Did she push her newly powerful friend too hard? Hey, we can only tell you what the chatter is at the Gator pond.

And let's bring ABQ City Councilor Pat Davis back into the Michelle Mix. We blogged Monday that he is expected to run for re-election this year to his SE Heights seat, but friends say don't count him out as a possible for a position in the state Department of Public Safety which would mean he would likely have to leave the council. If Pat dances with Michelle, Mayor Tim could get to name a replacement for him. Hmm. Wonder how that new guy or gal would be voting on Tim's plans?


More on John Bingaman's background herehere and here. More on Teresa Casados here and here.

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