
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

MLG Teaching Gig Grabs Notice, Ranking The '22 GOP Guv Candidates, Repealing The SS Tax Without Another Tax And Look Who's Back In La Politica

One of the Alligators comes with this--we think with tongue in cheek--about MLG becoming a substitute elementary school teacher to help out with the teacher shortage: 

Is she going to teach critical race theory? She has to be careful how she plays this... 

CRT has raised its controversial head in multicultural New Mexico but its legs as a campaign issue are probably confined to rousing the GOP base. Still, swing voters could be susceptible and we assume the R's will monitor MLG's classroom for any mishaps that can be turned into campaign fodder. 

Maybe she should teach math. Is that safe? Hope so. Imagine "teacher" Steve Pearce paddling her posterior for getting out of line. (Or maybe don't imagine that.) 

The NMGOP derided the Guv's decision to become a sub, calling it "a publicity stunt." Indeed it is but unfortunately for them, it's working. 

In fact MLG has shed her old skin from 2021 since the calendar turned to the election year. The change in energy is palpable and gratifying to Dems who fear some kind of reincarnation of Susana Martinez if the R's were to take the helm. 

MLG will take some hits at the legislative session, as we pointed out Monday in discussing her crime bill but teacher pay raises and some tax cuts look headed for the winner's circle. 

Also, the session is not set up for any disasters that would rip the Guv race wide open. 

That race will go back and forth all year from lean Democratic to likely Democratic. This month it's in the likely column as the Governor displays the power of the incumbency and the R's start to understand that the Dem machine is getting re-oiled. 


Our rankings of the GOP race for the '22 gubernatorial nomination are based on experienced players from all sides of the spectrum. So far they have it this way for the June 7 primary:

Mark Ronchetti leads, Rebecca Dow is second, Greg Zanetti is third and Jay Block is fourth. 


Can Santa Fe give the state a clean bill when it comes to repealing the tax on Social Security or will it be a break for seniors at the expense of other taxpayers? That's the central question now that the Guv has given the measure a push by urging passage but leaving the door open for the Legislature to do an offsetting tax and/or exempt higher income seniors from the repeal. 

The argument is that rich seniors don't need the extra couple hundred bucks or so and in this era of income inequality having an income cap for the repeal makes sense. 

That's much better than the proposal to charge Joe Sixpack more for his pack of cigs to make the older folks more comfy. Besides, tax increases of any kind given the humongous surpluses at the Roundhouse seem bizarre.

In addition, how could MLG claim she cut taxes by backing a SS repeal that raises other taxes? A bill with an income cap and nothing else would solve that potential problem.


Eric Griego Montoya
Eric Griego is on again, off again when it comes to La Politica but he is a nearly 25 year fixture. The former ABQ city councilor and state senator is back with a new job as director of outreach and advocacy for ABQ Mayor Keller. For those who think this post sounds a bit political, well, that could be a hard argument to lose. Says Griego:

I’m going to try to engage as much as possible with people who are most affected by some of the priorities and policies we have before the city.

Griego is also a veteran of progressive politics and organizing. He was a key player in defeating several conservative Dem state senators in the June 2020 primary. That experience is handy for Keller who is looking to the future after getting re-elected to a second term last year. But given the unpopularity of ABQ leaders outside of the city that future could simply be another run for mayor.

And we keep calling him Eric Griego but it's more than that now. We did a double take when we saw a city notice with his photo and the caption "Eric Griego Montoya." Must be a typo, we thought, but he explained:

I added my mom's maiden name. She died 20 years ago this month. Also, there are no male Montoya kids or grandkids. I don't want the name to die with this generation. That's all.

That's the latest, kids. Thanks for tuning in.

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