
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Crime Crisis Competition: DA Bregman Draws Opponent With Experience And Name ID But Who Also Has Baggage; Former US Attorney Damon Martinez Enters Contest

Damon Martinez

Sam Bregman has a recurring nightmare--an Hispanic Democrat with name ID, a long background in law enforcement and the ability to raise money decides to oppose him for the Democratic nomination for District Attorney in next June's primary. Only it isn't a nightmare anymore. 

It became reality today when former US Attorney Damon Martinez announced he will oppose Bregman who MLG appointed to the job in January when DA Raul Torrez became attorney general.

Martinez, 57, who in 2018 was named as APD's Chief Policy Adviser and left the $125,000 a year position in August, ripped into Bregman, coming with this:

I am answering the call to service because our current District Attorney is not providing the leadership and expertise that we so desperately need. Murders are being plead down and fentanyl dealers are serving one or two days in jail and then being released to continue terrorizing our streets. It has to stop and I have the experience and expertise that this moment demands. 

We'll carry Bregman's response when it comes in. 

As a former US Attorney Martinez far outranks Bregman in prosecutorial experience who has only a previous stint as an assistant district attorney in the DA's office. Rather, he has heady success as one of the state's more prominent criminal defense lawyers. 

Martinez will have some baggage in the primary. His service with APD makes him vulnerable to charges that he has done little to resolve the crime crisis even as he served at the top of the department. 

In addition, he suffered a media takedown as US attorney when he was questioned about a controversial ATF sting in the ABQ SE Heights that he was deeply involved in. The four month operation resulted in allegations of racial profiling and a not so hot prosecution scorecard of this arrested.

Earlier in 2018 when he ran for the Dem nomination for the ABQ congressional seat against Deb Haaland, the progressive wing rejected the US Attorney and he came in second to Haaland who went on to win the primary and general election.

DA Bregman

This time around  chances may be better because there is no name progressive in the race--at least not yet. Longtime Public Defender Matthias Swonger has announced a run but he faces financial challenges and is unknown. 

Also, our analysts said at the time Bregman announced his campaign in early July he may have swerved too far to the right in a Democratic and often progressive county and continues to do so as he courts favor with business and the media. 

Not that Martinez's rhetoric on crime won't be tough but it will be coming from a more demure personality, one with deep connections to the Hispanic community that is often on the frontlines of the crime crisis. 


The ABQ native, a UNM School of Law grad who worked as a legislative aide to US Senators Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall, can be expected to follow the old Marty Chavez playbook and work the Hispanic Valley hard while showing his tough on crime stripes to the conservative far NE Heights and other voters who are fed up with the ongoing crime scene.

Martinez can also probably count on the help of Mayor Tim Keller's organization. Why? Bregman insiders are now talking about the DA getting elected to a four year term in 2024 and then turning around and campaigning for Mayor of ABQ in 2025 when Keller may very well be seeking a third term. Bregman previously ran unsuccessfully for mayor. 


Walt Benson
Since he is is outnumbered 4 to 1, you might say Republican BernCo Commissioner Walt Benson has no choice but to work across party lines. He points out that he often does although some of his GOP brethren may want him to be more of a firebrand. 

Benson, a financial advisor who represents reliably Republican NE Heights District 4, says he will seek re-election next year to another four year term. 

Benson calls himself a "commonsense Republican" who is helping make possible the first Sheriff's substation in the northern part of the county and who works to make it easier to conduct business here. 

As for the Dems who outnumber him, maybe he can give them some coupons to Baskin Robbins to soften them up. He owns two of their stores. 

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