
Wednesday, December 06, 2023

State Dems Wade Into Gaza War Ceasefire Controversy; Central Committee Set To Vote On Resolution; Congressional Delegation Not On Board

Source NM
Numerous demonstrations at local congressional offices and elsewhere demanding a ceasefire in the war in Gaza are turning up the political heat. The Democratic Party State Central Committee will now vote on the hot button proposal. The party telling SCC members:

Resolution 2023-08, The New Mexico congressional delegation must demand the Biden adminstration call for and facilitate the negotiations for an immediate de-escalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine, has passed out of SPARC and will now go to the SCC for a vote. 

The full resolution is here.  

There recently was a seven day ceasefire in the war during which hostages were released but Israel accused Hamas of violating the cease-fire and the war resumed.

The most liberal members of the NM delegation--Reps. Stansbury and Leger Fernandez--have resisted calls for a ceasefire, instead they support a "humanitarian pause" in the war. But that would mean the bombing would continue after the pause. A cease-fire means the end of hostilities. 

Sen. Heinrich, whose Santa Fe office was vandalized with graffiti by demonstrators demanding an immediate ceasefire, has also called for humanitarian aid to Gaza but no ceasefire:

Senator Heinrich joined a letter urging President Biden to work with Israel and international partners to implement a plan that will protect innocent civilian life in Gaza, deliver sustained humanitarian aid, and work toward the long-term goals of ending Hamas’s threat, bringing hostages home, and achieving sustainable peace in the region through a two-state solution. In the letter, the senators call for the protection of civilians and civilian site.

That is far short of what many progressives in the Dem party want and who have now been successful in calling for a ceasefire vote. 

If the resolution were to pass it could put the delegation in the crosshairs of Republican opponents who have been defending Israel's war policies. But again, the Republicans have yet to even field a candidate against Heinrich who is seeking a third term next year. Neither do they have an announced candidate against Stansbury.

The SCC mail vote is set to begin December 12 and end December 23 with results published January 2. The party is offering several ways for the public to comment. Info on that is here.

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