He announced here last week that the group has raised "close to" $1 million to battle the left of his party but donors remain anonymous and that amount can't be confirmed.
Our sources say the group may not be all that close to the $1 million but the coffers are ample and could pose a threat to progressives on the June 4 primary ballot.
But the PAC is also presenting opportunity to progressives to rally their troops and raise more money of their own.
In District 30, comprised of four counties, Acoma Pueblo resident and progressive Dem Angel Charley, faces the NM Project endorsed Clemente Sanchez, a former conservative Dem senator. He was ousted in the '20 Dem primary and is now trying to get back to the Roundhouse. Charley aims to slow his stride with this fund-raising message:
Dear Neighbors, There’s a new corporate PAC. . .and our opponent is one of their top candidates. We’re really going to need your help to push back against this special interest PA. . . This is exactly what happened four years ago when Chevron formed a PAC to help then-Senator Clemente Sanchez keep his seat. Now, some of those same interests are yet again working to get him back to the Senate. And why are the oil and gas industry, Big Pharma, payday loan companies, and insurance companies so invested in Clemente Sanchez winning? For them, they like his record. As a state Senator, Clemente Sanchez voted against increasing oil and gas royalty rates, and he voted for keeping payday loan interest rates high for people in dire financial straits.
In the ABQ metro former BernCo Commissioner Debbie O'Malley is glad to have The NM Project as her money-raising foil. She is taking on District 13 incumbent Dem Senator Bill' ONeill in the primary who was endorsed by group. O'Malley came with this:
Dear Neighbors, . . .I have made the list of candidates that a corporate PAC led by failed gubernatorial Democratic candidate Jeff Apodaca has targeted for defeat. The PAC. . .laughably says they are defending Hispanic traditional values… and for that reason, they are somehow backing my opponent, Bill O’Neill. We don’t exactly know who the donors to this new PAC are. . . After the election, we will undoubtedly come to find out this new PAC is being funded by the oil and gas industry, insurance companies, NAIOP, and the realtors. That’s no surprise. Let's be clear: this new PAC targeting me is not about race or defending Hispanic values, but about corporate special interests not liking my record. If this were about race, why would they target me, a Hispanic, native New Mexican, over an Anglo candidate originally from Ohio? I am a committed progressive Democrat who sides with families and neighborhoods over corporate special interests. Please give. . . whatever you can to help me fight back against this dark money PAC.
But hold on. Sen. O'Neill--"The Fighting Irishman"--not known for being either a conservative or a Hispanic--is firmly rejecting the Apodaca group's endorsement as he battles to survive. He says of The NM Project endorsement:I just want say no thank you. . . I am proud of my progressive track record. I'm proud to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Conservation Voters and Equality New Mexico.
O'Neill's problem isn't that he's not progressive enough. It's that his district has radically changed in redistricting and no longer includes many of the enclaves he could count on. Large new portions are near downtown ABQ and surrounding areas that favor O'Malley because she has represented them on the commission and ABQ City Council.
O'Malley says after the election donors to The NM Project will become known. Perhaps. But contributions to such 501(c)4 groups are not required do disclose them. However, the assumption that oil and gas is a large donor is not without reason.
Now down to Las Cruces and House District 53 where ethnic politics is also flaring. Anglo Dem state Rep. Joanne Ferrary turned away from fellow Dem Rep. Willie Madrid and endorsed his primary opponent, Jon Hill, and held a fund-raiser for him over the weekend. She says:
I look forward to working with Jon on so many shared visions for a better New Mexico! His experiences and Doctorate as an educator and Superintendent in rural schools is invaluable! I appreciate his great concerns for the environment and his dedication to protect women’s right to choose!
So what's the deal with Madrid and abortion? There's an implication in Ferrary's letter that he is on the wrong side of the choice question. But Madrid secured the '22 endorsement of Planned Parenthood and voted to repeal an outdated abortion law that was the chief worry of abortion proponents.
But the anti-progressive The NM Project found Madrid to their liking and have endorsed him which denotes his conservative approach to business legislation.
Ferrary's backing of Hill over Madrid drew a scalding response from ABQ Dem Rep. Miguel Garcia, first elected in 1996, and now the senior Democratic member of the House:
Willie Madrid is one of our most dedicated and hardest working legislators. . .Willie is a loyal Democrat and unlike some conservative Democrats in the House, he has never engaged in coalition politics with the Republicans. House District 53 is the most vulnerable of all swing seats. Willie’s past victories over Republican candidates were in the single digits. Willie Madrid is currently under attack by Chairperson Joanne Ferrary (chair of Consumer and Public Affairs and two interim committees). Representative Ferrary is blatantly supporting Willie’s primary opponent. Being a Chair of a committee is an honorable position. It denotes leadership in our Caucus. Blatantly supporting the primary opponent of Representative Madrid is malfeasance at its worst. I urge Speaker Martinez to put a tourniquet on the unethical breach by Representative Joanne Ferrary and strip her of her three chair positions.
Garcia is a progressive but he also happens to be a leader of the native Hispanic community. Hispanic men of all political stripes are feeling left out of the Democratic tent and resentful of primary challenges to their candidates. This resentment is seen in the polling in the presidential race and now a point of contention in the NM June primary.
Rep. Madrid |
Madrid is seeking a fourth House term. As Rep. Garcia noted, the Dem primary isn't the only obstacle he has to overcome. He won in '22 in a close 51-49 race in this swing district. The GOP will be back again against the Dem primary winner with Elizabeth Lee Winterowd who opposed Madrid in that nail-biter.
District 37 Rep. Ferrary used to run tight races in her own District 37 but broke
away as the area became more progressive and is now seeking her
fourth term. She has no primary challenge but faces Republican Ronnie Sisneros in November.
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