
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Commentary: Ridin' With Biden In New Mexico: A Partnership Of Progress; President's Policies Have Showered Attention And Funding On State; As DC Silly Season Subsides It's Time For All Of State's Delegation To Get On Board

As the DC summer silly season subsides and the realization sets in that Joe Biden will indeed be the Democratic party's presidential nominee, there's no cause for mourning. Biden has been more than good for New Mexico. Extending his policies as they apply here for another four years would be welcome. Let's take a look:

--Biden adopted moderate energy polices that address environmental concerns without disrupting the most enormous economic boom in state history--the oil drilling in in SE New Mexico. The historic gusher--expected to continue at least through the end of the decade--is providing the state with billions upon billions in surplus--in a state with only 2 million people. It is a boom that will echo down through the generations and defies Biden's Republican critics who accused him of harboring radical views that would lead to reduced oil production. Instead he is the godfather of the boom that hands the state the potential to rise from the bottom of so many lists. 

--Funding for the national labs is always a source of controversy among Democrats who are uneasy with nuclear armaments policy. That's understandable. But there's no ignoring that modern New Mexico's economy was founded on national security, spearheaded by Los Alamos and Sandia laboratories and Kirtland AFB as well as other bases. All of these installations are today operating at record funding levels thanks to Biden's budgets. The explosion in funding at Los Alamos is especially historic, with so many new employees that they are being placed in nearby Santa Fe. The labs and military bases account for tens of billions in annual federal funding and remain the cornerstone of the economy. Under Biden rumors of closure and cutbacks have ended and funding has soared.

--The 2022 Hermits Peak-Canyon Calf Fire was the largest in state history and the result of bungling by the US Forest Service. In the aftermath Biden and the congressional delegation pushed through a $4 billion appropriation to compensate victims of the blaze. Biden personally visited the state, collaborated with the Governor and did not hesitate in responding.The very generous bill has already meant $850 million being distributed to those impacted, despite a slow start-up. In the next four years climate change promises more disasters that will impact the wilds of New Mexico. Biden has proven that he will have the state's back when the need arises.

---The Inflation Reduction ACT pumped billions into New Mexico for health, environment and other concerns in the wake of the Covid crisis. This has provided even more stimulus for our economically challenged state. The immense amount--which merits overuse of the word "historic"--is also rebuilding infrastructure for the 21st century. It is not an overstatement to say that the measure will extend the life of some rural communities in addition to lowering prescription drug costs

 --Biden appointed New Mexico's Deb Haaland as the first Native American Secretary of the Interior, a post critical to the interests of western states. This was another historic leap for a state where over 10 percent of the population identifies as Native American, giving voice to indigenous citizens. Her attention to past and current wrongs including abusive boarding schools and missing Native women while pursuing a balanced energy policy has vindicated Biden's decision to name her to his cabinet which gives the state a powerful voice at the policy table. 

 --Over his decades of public service Biden has been able to move in a more progressive direction on social issues that Americans have demanded. His firm support of the LGBTQ+ community and his embrace of Hispanics, Native Americans and African-Americans has led to an administration with unprecedented diversity. Add on his staunch support of women's rights (including their right to choose) and you have one of the more progressive leaders in national history. 

Of course, there have been failures but the successes are ubiquitous and meaningful for a state often treated as a "flyover" since losing its swing state status in the Electoral College. That has not been the case with Biden and bodes well if he stays on another four years. 

Representative Stansbury and Senator Lujan have not flinched in their support of the president during the DC feeding frenzy over his ability to perform. It's now past time for Senator Heinrich and Representatives Vasquez and Leger Fernandez to get off the ledge and join them in pushing forward the best interests of New Mexico at our national capital.

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