
Thursday, July 18, 2024

MLG Shows Carrot And Stick In Final Hours Push For Her Special Session Crime Bills; Meeting Starts At Noon Today With No Apparent Deal, Plus: Heinrich Nicks Nella In First Negative TV Ad, And: The Full Special Session Proclamation  

MLG had some carrot and some stick for New Mexico's legislature as she signed the proclamation calling for a special session starting at noon today that has been strongly opposed by a variety of Democratic Party interest groups. 

She corralled leading law enforcement officials as well as a number of mayors to help make her case for the session at a news conference at the Roundhouse. (Full video here.)

The stick came out when she left open the question of calling another special session if this one is quickly adjourned without major action as has been rumored all week. She observed:

There's precedence for calling multiple sessions back-to-back, so I'm no stranger to what is available.  

The carrot came when she indicated a late breaking deal on her crime bills is still possible: 

I am open to compromise, but I need lawmakers to come to the table and work with me on behalf of New Mexicans. Together, we can make our state safer for all.

Leading legislators also were not budging as they caucused late Wednesday, continuing to maintain that the Governor's crime proposals--especially a bill dealing with the mental competency of accused criminals--was too complicated to pass in a short special session.

She countered that the issue isn't time but political will.

Progressives have been vocal in their opposition to the crime measures and their was hand has been strengthened by their success at the June primary. That makes it doubly difficult for MLG to carry the day as their new colleagues will join them in January. 

But both sides do agree on one item--relief for victims of the recent fires at Ruidoso.

That measure and an appropriation to finance the special session estimated at $50,000 a day seem assured of passage. After that it's up in the air. Stay tuned.

The Governor's proclamation is at the end of this blog.


Heinrich ad
In the first negative campaign ad of the US Senate campaign Sen. Martin Heinrich nicks GOP contender Nella Domenici over how long she has lived in New Mexico and the fortune she made on Wall Street. The script:

Domenici may have a name that’s familiar, But how familiar is she with New Mexico? Well, Nella hadn’t lived in New Mexico since 1973, Back when Richard Nixon was president. She’d been living in a waterfront mansion in Connecticut, Has a $5 million dollar apartment in New York City, And spent her career helping Wall Street get richer. And now, Nella’s trying to buy our senate seat. Wall Street’s got enough senators. We need one who will fight for us.

The state GOP responded by pointing out Heinrich was not born here (he was born in Nevada and grew up in Missouri). The party also came with this:

. . .Martin Heinrich's campaign has entered desperation mode. (He) is showing he is terrified by the momentum building behind Nella Domenici's campaign. . . Heinrich is resorting to false, petty, and personal attacks that underscore why so many are frustrated with the state of politics today. . .Nella Domenici was born in New Mexico and only moved when her father was elected to serve as the U.S. Senator of our great state. She and her husband Pat have called New Mexico home for years. The bottom line is Heinrich can't run on his record of failures, so he's resorting to desperate, personal attacks.

The ad is light negative with the apparent aim of keeping Domenici in check amid Democratic panic over prospects for Biden in the state and some polling that shows the Senate race here tightening. 

In the only public poll--conducted by PPP June 13-14--Heinrich led Domenici 47 to 40 percent but the Domenici camp says their internal poll has that margin shrinking to three points. 

The race has not yet been targeted by the national Republicans.


MLG signs proclamation
From the Governor's office:

Gov. Lujan Grisham convenes special legislative session to address urgent public safety issues 

WHEREAS, a significant amount of criminal defendants have their charges dropped due to a determination of incompetency and are allowed to go free without receiving the mental health services they need to address their mental health issues and prevent future criminal activity; 

WHEREAS, the standard for imposing civil commitment or assisted outpatient treatment in New Mexico is outdated such that the definition of “danger to self” or “danger to others” creates a dangerously high bar to having someone receive the mental health treatment they need, which prevents officials and loved ones from getting those suffering from severe mental illness desperately needed care and jeopardizes community safety as a consequence; 

WHEREAS, local law enforcement agencies do not consistently report crime and ballistic information to the Department of Public Safety, which is vital to effective criminal investigations and comprehensive analysis of criminal activities across jurisdictions; 

WHEREAS, New Mexico has the nation's highest rate of pedestrian fatalities per capita, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association, and many of these fatalities and other vehicle-pedestrian accidents occur as a result of individuals unsafely remaining on medians; 

WHEREAS, New Mexico has some of the highest rates of gun violence in the Nation, and much of this violence is perpetrated by convicted felons; 

WHEREAS, New Mexico’s Racketeering Act needs to be updated to ensure that the State can stem the rise of organized crime by effectively prosecuting those involved in criminal organizations; 

WHEREAS, hundreds of New Mexicans die from drug overdoses every year, many of which are the result of the widespread availability of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid up to fifty times stronger than heroin; 

WHEREAS, communities across the State have been devastated by the South Fork and Salt Fires and other natural disasters, as noticed in Major Disaster Declaration DR-4795-NM, and continue to require aid from the federal government to address the aftermath of these natural disasters; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the New Mexico State Legislature to convene at the State Capitol Building to address these pressing issues. 

NOW THEREFORE, I, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Governor of the State of New Mexico, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article IV, Section 6 of the New Mexico Constitution, do hereby issue this proclamation and call the Fifty-Sixth Legislature of the State of New Mexico into a Special Session at twelve o’clock p.m. on Thursday July 18, 2024, at the State Capitol Building in Santa Fe. 

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