
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

MLG To Take Her Crime Case To Public In Series Of Public Town Hall Meetings; Events Scheduled In Aftermath Of Her Special Session Setback 

Cervantes and MLG
After a dramatic defeat of her crime agenda at last week's special legislative session MLG is doubling down on that agenda and taking her case to the public in a series of town hall meetings. 

The first one will be in the backyard of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Cervantes who has been a key player in stopping the crimes bills she has proposed. Will he come under public fire from the Governor or those in attendance?

The Guv's office says:

Ensuring the safety and security of every New Mexican remains my top priority. The town hall in Las Cruces this Thursday is an opportunity to hear directly from New Mexicans grappling with the state's crime problem and collaborate as a community on effective strategies to enhance public safety statewide. . . Additional town hall events focused on public safety will be taking place around the state in the near future.

That public town hall is set for this Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at the Las Cruces Convention Center. It will stream on the Governor’s Facebook page. Additional town halls will be at Española and ABQ.

While showing that she still has public support for her swerve to the right on crime, the Governor's problem remains a legislature that has spoken overwhelmingly against her current approach.

The town halls may help her shore up public opinion which often warms to a tough on crime message but they will do little to persuade legislators to reverse course. 

And if she calls them back for another special session before the November election she would get the same response as she did at the first one--lawmakers adjourning without considering her bills.

The Governor had months to rally public opinion for her agenda and succeeded with conservative business groups and the newspaper but not with her own Democrats who hold the keys to the Roundhouse. 

This second effort is not going to change that but reshaping her bills through quiet conversations and compromise with lawmakers before the 60 day session starts in January might have the desired effect.

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