Tuesday, January 28, 2025Readers React To Long History Of APD Scandals Reported And Analyzed On The Monday Blog
Readers reacted to the special blog report on the scandal history at APD and how none of them were met with serious consequences which leads us to present day and the mother of all the scandals--the decadeslong DWI caper seeing the light of day and the first indictment in the case by the US Attorney last week.
Our report, compiled with the able assistance of APD watchdog Dan Klein and other knowledgeable sources, was tough on past and present city administrations but it is the current one of Mayor Tim Keller where the outrage now falls. First City Hall's reaction to the report and then the readers. A spokeswoman says: From the start APD and City leadership choose not to wait for the FBI investigation to finish and instead were proactive, worked with the FBI, and conducted their own investigations. This is why all known participants at APD are no longer serving in the department. Given this terrible scheme was going on for decades, this leadership team had the fortitude to stand firm and take immediate action, and is committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Ensuring that it doesn't happen again is a a heady promise from the administration given the yearslong series of wrongdoing at APD. Nevertheless it is on Keller's watch now and he will answer for it during the upcoming mayoral campaign. On the city's Inspector General Report alleging misuse of $287,000 by the administration, the spokeswoman says: The idea that paying early childhood administrators overtime during Covid is at all inappropriate is a complete slap in the face to the thousands of families who enrolled their kids in City programs, especially first responders and nurses, who were taking care of all of us. These expenditures were also Federally approved, and the OIGs reckless comments were literally rejected by her own oversight board comprised of accounting and legal professionals. The federal indictment indicates that the DWI scheme dates back at least 15 years, but this timeline from KRQE expands that to possibly 2003: Detectives conducting the current Internal Affairs investigation were made aware of a case in 2003 involving attorney Tom Clear and allegations that an officer failed to appear at a hearing in order to get the case dismissed. Investigators are currently working to corroborate the information. It's important to keep in mind that the scandal encompassed not only the Keller years but the eight years of Mayor Berry and perhaps the preceding eight of Mayor Marty Chavez. Back to the timeline: APD conducted an Internal Affairs investigation in 2014 of a case in which officers arrested a woman for DWI, then offered to get her case dismissed if she hired attorney Tom Clear. The case against the woman was later dismissed when one of the officers failed to attend a hearing and both officers’ On-Body Recording Device (OBRD) video could not be located. While officers were disciplined for violating APD policy, there was no follow-up investigation at the time to determine if there was a pattern of police misconduct related to DWI cases. VOX POPULI Great blog Monday. Being the negative Nellie that I am, I didn't find one mention of the ABQ City Council's role or lack thereof in this charade of inaction by these political players. Both Republicans and Democrats are in the mix it seems, could that be why? Thanks, Diane. There was no mention was no of the Council because, frankly, in the many years the scandals were unfolding the nine member panel did not conduct rigorous oversight of APD and that attitude has continued to this day. Reader John Rey: Joe, great reporting! Just don’t hold your breath waiting for action! After all Joe this is the land of The Movida !! We just noted the DWI scandal could date back as far as 2003 but former ABQ GOP state Rep. Bill Rehm says look even further back in time--all the way to the 1990's: Reader Peggy Wright: Reader Michael Lamb: Rhetorical question: in terms of lists, what about the APD murder investigation of Mary Han? Thanks, Michael. Mary Han was an ABQ defense attorney and severe critic of APD's practices who was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in the garage of her North Valley home in 2010. Her death was ruled a suicide but later the attorney general said the cause should be classified as "undetermined." Mary's death was met with allegations that there was a conspiracy to kill her. The case haunted the city for years. Reeader Patrick McConnell writes: Joe, I have been reading your daily posts for years. Monday's report was possibly the best and most important report you have ever given us. Appreciate that, Paul. Again, kudos to Dan Klein and the other contributors. Our report will be important if it and others are combined with a stern law enforcement response and leads to reforms that finally halt the APD culture of corruption. MORE VOX POPULI Good work. A fight against corruption needs to start at home. Mike Davis writes from Austin: Reader Ron Nelson writes: Brilliant column! How about submitting it to the community’s enabler of all corruption, the Albuquerque Journal--or just like that - nothing happened.🤷♂️ Reader Charlie writes: APD follows a long tradition in Albuquerque. Please recall Milton Yarberry’s tenure in office. Okay, we just got back from a trip in the wayback machine and note that Yarberry was the first Town Marshall of ABQ appointed in 1880. His controversial and murderous rein ended when he was hanged at the gallows uttering these famous last words: "Gentlemen, you are hanging an innocent man." And so it goes. Reporting from Albuquerque, I'm Joe Monahan E-mail your news and comments. (newsguy@yahoo.com |
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