Wednesday, March 12, 2025Some Political Potpurri Plus Readers Chime In On Trump Derangement (Or Not) And Melanie's Sign
Efforts to reform the state's medical malpractice system are going nowhere at the Roundhouse. Reformers are now hoping that they at least can get a bill that does away with what remains of the tax on medical services as they work to ease a severe shortage of doctors. Malpractice reform is falling victim to the sway of the powerful trial lawyers lobby. They're kind of like the powerful liquor lobby was back in the day. . ..
Not that today's liquor lobby is toothless. The bill to increase the tax on booze as a means of combating the state's high death rate from alcohol related diseases also is not going anywhere this session. There's still a shot at getting outside oversight placed at the troubled Children, Families and Youth Department but it's a long one. The House approved HB5 that calls for placing a child advocate at the AG's office to oversee CYFD. It gets a hearing from the Senate Judiciary Committee today. The optimists are not out in force. The campaign of Dem Guv candidate Deb Haland is cashing in on her high profile and reports raising $2 million in her first month on the trail. Could Dem Bernalillo County District Attorney Sam Bregman do the same if he gets in the race? Probably not but neither would he be in the poorhouse. Will he run? As of today, all systems are go, according to several of his close friends we spoke with. That more or less freezes the Guv race until he formally decides. STOP TRUMP DERANGEMENT? Let's dip into the reader mailbag for thoughts on issues of the day. Loyola Chastain comes with this missive on the legislature as well as President Trump:Joe, I wanted to add my $.02 to the discussion of the Democrats childish, tantrum display at President Trump's address to Congress. I am sick of the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) that has gripped half of our nation. If all the Democrats can do is act like petulant children, that party is doomed. Look at our own Legislature. They have all of this money from the oil and gas industry and they do nothing but put it in rainy day funds and refuse to improve our impoverished state. As you have stated many times, it is pouring in this state, however the legislature turns a blind eye to the many problems we face. I have grown up in this state and witnessed the good old boy politics that persists, where it is not what you know but who you know that wins the day and has kept New Mexico in the doldrums. New Mexicans have suffered greatly because our legislature refused to do anything to raise New Mexicans standard of living when they have had ample opportunity to do so. I have been tired of the "uni-party" we have in this country for a number of years. I find it doesn't matter who sits at the Resolute Desk, the Congress does nothing for American citizens. Again, this is why Trump was elected. I am no fan of Trump, however, I am a fan of America and I am hoping Trump is able to do something for the people. If he is unable to accomplish anything to improve the lives of the citizens, then it shows America is doomed to remain an oligarchical country. MELANIE'S SIGN Congresswoman Stansbury was only stating the obvious with her tiny sign at the presidential address last week. ‘Normal’ would have been a presidential message to the nation fostering unity instead of partisan division. While the Dems in the audience holding manufactured signs seemed orchestrated in comparison to Melanie’s individual act, she got her point across in an effective manner. Having a sophomoric GOP represenative from Texas grab it from her hands and rip it to bits like a schoolyard bully helped amplify her message exponentially. That was not normal.
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