
Friday, March 19, 2004

Bush-Cheney Kick-Off And The Gang's All There, Except Ramsay, Of Course, And: TV Anchor Kathy Wyatt Says Adios 

Domenici at Opening
The Bush-Cheney campaign kickoff in ABQ last night landed another kick on the backside of State GOP Chair Ramsay Gorham. She was noticeably absent as Sen. Domenici, Nat'l Bush Chair Marc Racicot, NM GOP National Committeeman Mickey Barnett, ex-State GOP Chair Dendahl and other Repub heavyweights officially opened the Bush re-elect headquarters. It was the second blow to Gorham this week, with the GOP's John Ryan, exec director of the GOP under Dendahl, landing the other roundhouse announcing he will challenge Gorham for her state senate seat and calling on her to resign while she seeks another senate term.

The knockdown, drag-out fight over what role Gorham and the state party will play in the Bush re-elect has apparently been won by the Barnett-Domenici forces who have the inside track with the Republican National committee. On top of all this, sources tell me former Light Guv Walter Bradley is waffling on his previous declaration that he would seek to oust Barnett from his committeeman's post this June. Former State Rep. George Buffet has announced he will take on Barnett, but Bradley is seen as the stronger candidate to take down attorney-lobbyist Barnett, and pave the way for the Gorham forces to take full control.

Ramsay's wing is saying she was invited to the event last night, but that her son's baseball game interfered, and that things have settled down between the state party chair and the Bush campaign.

But the failure to bring Gorham fully aboard leaves the Prez with a potentially divided GOP in a state he lost in 2000 by a handful of votes. Ramsay and her husband Frank (also not on hand last night) will have to sit back and watch events from the sidelines. If this election is as close as pundits predict and Bush runs into trouble in NM, she will have the option of pointing fingers at the
Dendahlites. The fight, as we have long reported, was not so much about ideology as personality conflicts, power and money; who gets the juicy contracts from that multimillion dollar Bush war chest.

Meanwhile, Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White has been named chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign in Bernalillo County. County GOP Chair Ken Zangara, a Gorham groupie, has also apparently been squeezed out as the Bush team consolidates. The Bushies blame it all on Ramsay, saying she was unreasonable and hard to work with. But she continues to see Barnett and Dendahl as threats to her chairmanship. It seems this is a transition time for the state GOP. If Bush wins big here those who ran his campaign will bask in the glow, but if they blow it, Gorham stands to benefit, albeit, unintentionally. It's a heck of a way to run a railroad, not to mention a big time presidential campaign in a key swing state upon which the presidency could be won or lost.


It was just last month (see my Feb. archives) that KOAT-TV's Craig Nigrelli left his longtime anchor perch, and now, the chief competitor of Nigrelli's, KRQE-TV anchor Kathy Wyatt, is also exiting the stage. Kathy went up against Nigrelli as they both anchored the noon news in a tight battle for the number one position. In addition, Wyatt, a 13 year veteran of 13, spent the last couple of year co-anchoring the 4 p.m. hour with NM TV news dean Dick Knipfing. She tells me that will end in May when she moves to Tucson, AZ where her husband Andy has landed a top sales job at ABC affiliate KGUN-TV. Wyatt is "weighing her options" when it comes to staying in the news biz, but if the Purdue University grad stays out she will still have plenty to do. Her other "job" is raising two youngsters aged 6 and 10.

Make our site one of your 'favorites.' Bookmark it now and send a link to interested friends. Interested in advertising to NM's large political community? Email me or call 505-243-4059 for details.

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Thursday, March 18, 2004

Hispanic Dems Eye New State Chair, Plus: Kari: "I'm In Heaven," And: A Word From Our Sponsor Who Can Dress Up Your Campaign 

The news that ABQ attorney John Wertheim, a native New Mexican, is being tapped by Big Bill for the chairmanship of the NM Dem Party has been generally well-received. But, in politics there's always a but. In this case, it comes from those alligators in the Valley and some up North. "Why isn't a Hispanic getting the job?" moaned one. And: "The governor is campaigning around the country for Hispanics to vote Democrat, but he doesn't name one to head our party." barked another.

In a conversation Wednesday the chair-to-be- told me he will provide "inclusive" leadership, and don't be surprised if the next Vice- Chair of the party is Hispanic. "Under our rules we must have a woman as Vice-Chair. I don't know who that will be, but I would not rule out a woman who is Hispanic," Wertheim told me.

Current Vice-Chair Sam Bregman will be stepping aside come the April Dem convention where John will be anointed by the forces of Big Bill. Hispanics, of course, are a major force, in state Dem politics, and Wertheim's feelings shouldn't be hurt that he is being called into question. The same thing happened when Diane Denish was named chair.

Wertheim's wife, Bianca Ortiz-Wertheim, is a top aide to the Big Fella and John's family goes back in this state over a century. But he is now a major player in state politics, and the long knives will be out for him. Wertheim, who ran for Congress a couple of times, is nonplussed by it all. During our conversation he stayed firmly "on message." Like his Prez candidate John Kerry, Wertheim seemed to be saying "Bring it on." Don't worry, John. They will.


"I feel like I'm in Heaven," exclaimed a giddy Bernalillo County District Attorney Kari Brandenburg from her downtown ABQ office . She was giving me her reaction to the news that she will have no Dem primary opponent and no General Election foe either. A free four year ride is a rarity in the high-profile DA's job, and Kari was relishing the moment. "I would like to say it's because we are all doing such a great job, and while I am very proud of my staff and pleased with our work, I don't think that is the only reason. I think my opponents knew they would face a tough campaign, and knew I would not back off," said Kari, whose father Jim served as DA back in the 70's. "I still lean on him. He gives me guidance."

Its all coming up roses for Brandenburg now, but her life has not been without trial. Widowed twice and divorced once, she battled back in a manner that let foes know she's the real deal. Not to mention, the money she could raise to fight any rival. She also keeps things in perspective. During our conversation she mentioned how well her children are doing as much as the free political ride she was getting. "I am so pleased with them and how they are doing," she said. The single mom says that she will still campaign for re-election. "It's still my responsibility to meet the people." But she said the free election ticket gives her time to get back in the courtroom and personally prosecute more cases. We suspect there will be no 'free ride' for those defendants.


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Make our site one of your 'favorites.' Bookmark it now and send a link to interested friends. Want to advertise to NM's large political community? Email me or call 505-243-4059 for details.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

A Wild Day Of La Politica; Table Set for Campaign 04'; Ramsay Under The Gun, Kari Walks Free, Wertheim Emerges, And Lots More From 'Benavidez County' 

Intraparty warfare broke out again in the state GOP Tuesday as candidates lined up for the 112 legislative seats and a bevy of other offices. At the top of the list was the challenge to State Republican Party Chair and State Sen. Ramsay Gorham, who drew primary opposition from John Ryan, former executive director under ex-party chief John Dendahl. Current exec director Tom Carroll wasted no time defending his boss saying Ryan "has put his interests above those of the party." Carroll said Republicans have the right to challenge each other, but to take on the party chair in her ABQ North Valley district is crossing the line and aimed at further dividing the already torn asunder GOP.

Gorham will now be kept busy fending off the Dendahlites instead of concentrating on helping fellow Republicans. On top of it all, Republican National Committeeman Mickey Barnett, leader of the Dendahlites, sent out a notice that he will help lead a news conference this week announcing the opening of the Bush Prez headquarters here, signaling that he still has a lever on at least one power center.

The Dendahlites, as expected, also fielded Justine Fox-Young against State Rep. Bob White. And they got a late jab in against Gorham supporter Greg Payne who filed for the Joe Thompson State Rep. seat in ABQ's NE Heights. (Thompson, as first reported here, decided against another run for the seat after his DWI bust) Payne will be challenged for the nomination in the June 1 primary by retried Sheriff's deputy Bill Rehm. Another hot GOP battle grew hotter Tuesday when Patrick Milligan joined State Rep. Larry Larranaga and Former Rep. Rob Burpo in the fight for Larry's NE Heights seat. Larranaga and Milligan are semi-Dendahlites. It all shows the state GOP has a lot more work to do before they can cry "unity" and come together for the General Election.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, the Dems were playing out some party rivalries of their own. State Senator Linda Lopez of ABQ's Valley, and a senate president pro tem wannabe, saw fellow Dem Al Armijo throw down the gauntlet. And guess who is running for the Republican nomination to take on the Lopez-Armijo winner? Why, none other than former Sen. Tom Benavidez, who Lopez beat eight years ago and who is godfather of the proposal to change the name of Bernalillo County to 'Benavidez County.'!

And how about that ABQ South Valley action where House Majority Whip James Taylor finds himself facing Cecelia Romero Tkach in a Democratic primary fight? The spin from Taylor headquarters is that this is some "old line" Valley politicos trying to get rid of the "new" James Taylor. Be careful James, sometimes everything old is new again.

Did you see where eight candidates are seeking the Dem nomination for the Bernalillo County Commission seat being vacated by Steve Gallegos? Politics may be unpopular in some quarters, but never in the South Valley, where the high art and ancient ways of La Politica are still practiced unabashedly.

Manny Aragon? He's running again. No Dem opponent. The GOP's Fernando C de Baca will see Manny in November. That's if Manny isn't Prez of NM Highlands University by then.


DA Kari
Back in Benavidez County, I mean, Bernalillo County. District Attorney Kari Brandenburg drew no opposition, shocking veterans in the legal community who cannot recall the last time a DA here got a free ride. Dem Brandenburg used to be a Republican, so maybe she can run as a "Republicrat" in the General and keep everyone happy. Also, Bernalillo County Clerk Mary Hererra almost got a free four year ride too, until the Green Party's Steve Cabiedes, one of our election analysts, decided to throw his hat into the ring. But Mary is as close to a free ride as you get.

Politicos also reeled when they heard the news that Roswell State Senator Tim Jennings drew no foes and won a free four years. His tirade against Big Bill during the last legislative session apparently did not prompt the Big Guy to find an opponent for him. In fact, my experts said they did not see many of Big Bill's footprints in any of the legislative races. Why? "He has been able to get just about all he wanted out of this legislature, so there was no pressure to change things," offered one of my pundits.

One of the high-dollar legislative races that could develop is between Dem State Rep. Al Park and Republican Kathy Leyendecker in Park's swing district in ABQ's SE Heights. "Al says he is going to work hard and raise $100,000 if he has to," said one Park ally. Leyendecker knows how to raise money too, and maybe Al is just trying to throw a scare out, or maybe he is just scared stiff that his dream of becoming attorney general could be dashed quickly.

Back down south, GOP Sen. Lee Rawson drew a Republican primary opponent. Could it be Lee's friendly treatment of the Guv's food tax repeal could be raising conservative ire?

Over in Grants, State Rep. Ken Martinez, godfather of the proposal to require every vehicle in NM to be equipped with an ignition interlock device to prevent drunk driving, is being challenged by a fellow Dem. It will be just a two man race, and while Ken is favored, my experts say its a race to watch.

State Rep. Bengie Regensberg, folk hero to some, villain to others, drew two Dem foes in northern NM, making it more likely they will split the anti-Bengie vote and putting the colorful character back at the Roundhouse for at least two more sessions.


And it looks as though attorney John Wertheim is getting a free ride for the race for chairmanship of the state Dem Party. Joni Gutierrez has resigned to run for the legislature in Dona Ana County. Attorney John is Big Bill's pick to replace her and John is ready and willing. I might also warn the Repub's that Wertheim is able. I have talked hours of NM politics with John over the years as he often served as one of my Election Night analysts on KANW-FM. He's 36 going on 56. If Big Bill gives him some breathing room Wertheim will do fine.

Folks, thanks for all your help covering the filing action. A special tip of the hat to Dem expert Terry Brunner and top NM lobbyist Scott Scanland. They have more analysis for you, but, alas, I am just one blogger and will have to report on their take and other worthy races throughout the week. Meanwhile, I am providing links for you so you can see more of the match-ups.

Get the latest on the filings from the Sec. of State And the latest Bernalillo County filings here
Candidate filings

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Tuesday, March 16, 2004

BULLETINS: GOP State Chair Gorham Draws Primary Foe; DA Brandenburg Gets No Opposition; Thompson Bows Out; Plus The Links For The Very Latest 

Here is the latest on the candidate filing front. Former GOP Executive Director John Ryan will challenge fellow Republican and State Chair Ramsay Gorham for her ABQ North Valley Senate seat. Ryan was ex. director under John Dendhal, whose forces continue to feud with Gorham. Ryan has previously said he would NOT run. TV newswoman Janet Blair, a Dem, has filed to run for the State House seat held by Republican Eric Youngberg. Thomas Nordstrand also filed as a Dem for the Youngberg seat. Bernalillo County State Senator Bernadette Sanchez has drawn a primary challenge from Dolores Griego. State Senators Altimirano and Fidel, the deans of the Senate, have filed for re-election. Republican Gary Whittington has filed for the Fidel seat. Bernalillo County District Attorney Kari Brandenburg will win another four year term without opposition. She filed today, but no Republican or fellow Dem challenged her. In Carlsbad, State Rep. John Heaton has filed for re-election to his House seat, forgoing a bid for State Senate that was rumored.

Deborah Torza has filed as a Republican for the State House seat held by Dem Ray Ruiz. State Dem Party Chairman Joni Gutierrez has filed for the house seat in Las Cruces being vacated by Paul Taylor. Joni is resigning as state chair of the party. The Trib's Shea Andersen reports ABQ attorney John Wertheim is being touted as her replacement.

Greg Payne has filed for the Joe Thompson House seat. He will fight for the GOP nomination against retired sheriff's deputy Bill Rehm. Thompson did not seek reelection today.Kathy Leyendecker has filed as a Republican for the House seat held in Bernalillo County by Democrat Al Park.

We will keep you posted, so check in with us. Filing ended at 5 p.m. today.

Get the latest on the filings from the Sec. of State And the latest Bernalillo County filings here
Candidate filings

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Filing Day! Surprises In The Works? TV's Janet Blair Weighs A Run, Rep. Martinez Draws Foe, Al Park Braces For Duel; Plus: Dendahl Spreads His Wings 

It's D-Day for New Mexico's political power players. All who want a nice desk at the Roundhouse are required to file petition signatures today, as well as those seeking positions for two $90,000 a year jobs on the state Public Regulation Commission, district attorney's and an assortment of judges. And, there should be a couple of surprises.

Veteran TV newswoman and Dem Janet Blair tells "NM Politics With Joe Monahan'' that she has collected the necessary signatures to run against GOP State Rep. Eric Youngberg and will make her final decision today "after sleeping on it." Janet's contract with KRQE-TV expires this week and she will not be renewing it, paving he way for a possible foray into politics. The Youngberg seat leans Republican, but Blair, a former press aide to ABQ Mayor Marty, says its winnable since "it votes 46 per cent Democrat." The district is in ABQ's West Side and the village of Corrales. Youngberg has raised his profile lately with a rallying cry for the controversial Paseo bridge and even showing sympathy with those advocating that the Westie's form their own city.


One Republican who is NOT going to run, according to informed sources, is State Rep. Joe Thompson, now in rehab after his DWI bust this month. Former ABQ City Councilor Greg Payne is the probable nominee in the heavily GOP district, but R Bill Rehm, a retired Sheriffs' deputy, was collecting signatures this weekend and we'll see if he'll give Payne a challenge in the ABQ NE Heights.


Over in Cibola County, sources tell me Dem State Rep. Ken Martinez is poised to pick up a primary challenge. Martinez is a heavy favorite, but his controversial sponsorship of a bill requiring all NM vehicles to be equipped with ignition interlock devices to prevent drunk driving, may be causing him some headaches. And, Dem Hector Balderas, a friend of Big Bill, will try to oust Dem State Rep. Bengie Regensberg in Mora County. But the pros up there tell me they see Bengie as the favorite.

The on again off again candidacy of Republican Kathy Leyendecker is back on, say those in the know in ABQ's SE Heights. She will take on Dem State Rep. Al Park in the swing district. Kathy is a former Johnson Administration transportation official whose cousin is one of ABQ's heavyweight bankers.

Chair Gutierrez
State Dem Party heavys are hoping for a clean sweep today by fielding a candidate in each of the 112 House and Senate Races. That would be a coup for Chair Joni Gutierrez who will be one of those candidates. She's seeking the House seat being vacated by Paul Taylor in Las Cruces and is a heavy favorite.

And that's just a taste of what's to come on this pivotal day in New Mexico Campaign 04'. Stay close to this website as my expert sources statewide monitor the action. Any really big surprises will be posted here right away, with a full wrap-up and analysis tomorrow and in coming days

DEAR JOHN........

John Dendahl knows all about the excitement of filing days. He served as NM GOP State Chairman longer than anyone. He's been on the sidelines for a year, but is now spreading his wings as a media pundit. The New Mexico native and hardest of the hardball political players has been penning op-ed pieces for the ABQ Journal since losing the chairmanship in a bitter fight with Ramsay Gorham. (She will file to seek re-election to her Senate seat today) The paper has identified those writings as "for the Journal." But the latest entry dubs him "syndicated columnist." Why? Dendahl tells me he is also carried in the Santa Fe New Mexican and they are moving his biweekly column to the front page of their opinion section. That's a nice perch from which Dendahl can administer his caustic wit to "Emperor Bill," as he calls him.

Meanwhile, the state GOP has completed a long overdue revamping of their web site, reports Seth Heath of the State R Executive Committee. You can check out the latest from the party of the elephant at GOPNM


Help me cover New Mexico politics. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine. But share what you know on what's happening in your political backyard. Email me at jmonahan@ix.netcom.com or call me at 505-243-4059. There's a link on the top right of this page. I enjoy hearing from my readers and I respond to all my e mail, so drop me a line.

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Monday, March 15, 2004

Diane Disses Miles; All Eyes On Filing Day And: Ray Ruiz: A Little Help From His Friends 

Apparently Light Guv Diane Denish opened a sore wound when she told a gathering of Bernalillo County Democrats over the weekend that she expected Richard Romero to "be our next congressman." Supporters of ER Doctor Miles Nelson, who is also seeking the Dem nomination for the ABQ congressional seat, were quick to come down on Diane saying they will not be deterred by her apparent support of State Sen. Romero as well as that of Big Bill's who has let his name be used in Richard's fundraising efforts. Denish's comments came at a meeting where all the candidates, including former DEA agent Eli Chavez, gave speeches.

Romero remains the heavy favorite in the contest to take on Heather in November, but Nelson's supporters are trying to make a race of it. Problem is it takes a lot of cash to get your car on the racetrack. Romero is stashing away the green stuff for a May offensive, while newcomer Miles continues to look for financing. It can't help when the state's two leading Dems are apparently mechanics for the Romero campaign.


Meanwhile, the checkered flag is about to come down on all 112 legislative races as candidates prepare to file their petition signatures in Santa Fe Tuesday. Also, county candidates will make their intentions known. Will there be any surprise entrants or withdrawals? There usually is and we will be watching the action closely with top NM lobbyist Scott Scanland who will help me handicap the races that emerge. Denise Lamb of the Secretary of State's office will pull overtime to get you the very latest info, so be sure to check in with us this week for the answers to some burning questions. Will Rep. Joe Thompson run again, despite his DWi bust? Just how many contenders will fight for those two PRC seats? And, in ABQ, will Dem DA Kari Brandenburg draw ANY opposition?


Cancer stricken ABQ State Rep. Rep. Ray Ruiz is not alone in his battle. A couple of Saturday's ago at the Ladera Golf Club in ABQ a group of his friends gathered for an evening of comedy and fellowship and raised Ray $14,000 to help him and his family in their time of need. Although he is seriously ill with lung cancer, Ruiz says he will file for re-election. He has no announced opposition. Those on hand for the Ruiz benefit included House Speaker Lujan, ABQ Councilors Cadigan and Griego and State House members Picraux, Saavedra, Silva and Larranaga.


Candidates will be at the starting gate Tuesday when they file their petition signatures. I am offering special primary ad rates for political office seekers on this web site; an ideal way to reach the truly politically involved in NM--those who vote and those who frame the races. So give me a call (505-243-4059) or e mail me at jmonahan@ix.netcom.com and let's get your campaign before the state's most likely voters. Call now and do a two month agreement and I will post your ad for free for the rest of March!


Help me cover New Mexico politics. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine. But share what you know on what's happening in your political backyard. Email me at jmonahan@ix.netcom.com or call me at 505-243-4059. There's a link on the top right of this page. I enjoy hearing from my readers and I respond to all my e mail, so drop me a line.

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