
Thursday, February 10, 2005

Avoiding Political Peril: Guv to Come with Election Bill; Plus, For Junkies Only; Bizarre Happenings At The Merry Roundhouse 

The Merry Roundhouse
Word from Santa Fe has Big Bill soon coming with an election "reform" package that the Dems hope will rob the R's of their dream of painting them as obstructionists when it comes to cleaning up the state's election messes. Big Bill's bill will propose a form of voter ID, but not stern enough to alienate hardcore opponents. The Big Guy and his party have been backed into the corner a bit on this one with the general public highly supportive of voter ID. Not so much because there has been a bunch of fraud shown, but because counting the votes and just running elections over the years has been such a mess they feel the whole system must be broken, including the ID part.

House Speaker Lujan and Majority Leader Martinez would rather wish the whole thing away by forming a commission to "study" the matter. But that only gives the R's more fodder so Big Bill has to come with something. The question now is whether he will fight for it or let it die and claim "we tried." Political consultant Eli Lee has been working this one for the Fourth Floor and downstairs Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino and his consultant Harry Pavlides have been badgering for a bill. The Guv's measure would likely be introduced by Elections Committee Chair Ed Sandoval.


Remember last year when Big Bill took all that flak from GOP Leader Hobbs and other R's over his plans to purchase a new state airplane? The Big Fella nixed the plan after public fall out, but now insiders say it may be back. Roswell State Sen. Tim Jennings, no friend of the Fourth Floor Fella, is looking at introducing a bill that would include all the "pork" Bill vetoed last year and Jennings would put money for the plane in the measure! The Guv could get his plane but Chaves County lawmakers, who bore the brunt of the vetoed capital outlay, would get their construction projects. Pretty clever, huh?

Wall-leaners tell me that a recent Dem caucus meeting was particularly grief-ridden as Dem senators anguished over the Guv's determination this year to dictate where most of the big construction projects will be placed in this years capital outlay bill. But, as usual, the issue comes down to who is going to stand up and be counted---besides Tim Jennings?


Did Farmington GOP State Senator Bill Sharer fall off the wagon? Something might have hit him on the head as he is proposing that New Mexicans convicted of DWI not be allowed to buy booze for five years. How about a compromise? If the Legislature passes this one, it promises not to meet for five years.


Readers commenting on my post this week about how Hispanics dominate the top tiers of NM politics pointed out that none of the reporters covering them for the major news organizations is Hispanic. Gil Gallegos of the ABQ Trib was the last one and he was scooped up by the Guv. What about the New Mexican's Steve Terrell? No one really knows Steve's background. He just showed up in Santa Fe years ago and started writing. His editors and fellow scribes are too fearful of the grizzled veteran to question him. He has, however, written sympathetically of Penitente rituals giving rise to speculation about his heritage.

Have some political news? Gossip? Speculation? Be my guest. E-mail me from the top right of this page and help your fellow political junkies keep up with the latest.

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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

R's Try To Put A Target On NM's Lady In Waiting, Plus: Why I Will Never Be An Aggie, And: Big Bill: Too Big For Prez? 

NM's #2
A few years back when the going got rough in her contest with Jerry Sandel for the Dem nomination for Light Guv, Diane Denish intoned: "Politics isn't for sissies." Well, now Lt. Gov. Diane may be saying it again, and soon. It appears the GOP has formed a posse to catch Diane over her prized pre-school program for NM four year olds. They see it as a natural to trip up the ambitious number two who would someday like to succeed Big Bill.

"This bill sound like a social service program with no clear results targeted. It will also cost a bundle," said one R close to the action at the Roundhouse. He also blasted the measure for being a "daycare"' bill, not a true education measure.

The administration proposes lawmakers approve $9 million for preschool programs for about 3,000 four-year-olds across the state.

So far, the preschool measure has split on party lines, giving Diane a safe margin for eventual victory. But the R’’s are just warming up the band and hope to turn the public their way and stall this one before the session ends.The bill was voted out of a House committee Tuesday.

Last year Big Bill gifted Diane with a package of bills addressing the methamphetamine crisis in the state and she easily shepherded them through the Legislature, winning public accolades. But a year later the stakes are higher. Future power is now in sight. If the R’s can take a bite out of Diane they will and with pleasure as they have been completely stymied by Big bill.

As Diane indicated in her campaign, even the ladies must show their machismo in the game of La Politica. Looks like it's her turn again.


Veteran NM lobbyist Ray Davenport was one of many to put the needle in yesterday when he read my blog saying NM's two largest cities, (meaning ABQ and Santa Fe) are led by Hispanic mayors. I was wrong, of course. Las Cruces is the Land of Enchantment's second largest city, not Santa Fe. And Las Cruces State Rep. Joe Cervantes saying his area, like Rodney Dangerfield, gets no respect, even did some legwork for us so we could set the record straight. According to info given him by the state librarian and passed to us, Cruces has a current population of 76,990 and Santa Fe comes in at 66,476, not even close! On top of that, Las Cruces has an Anglo mayor. Thanks to Ray and Joe, among others, for pointing out the error of my ways. I guess I will never be an Aggie.


Not all my readers are on board the Big Bill for Prez train. They're a sharp-eyed bunch as revealed in this e-mail: "This business about Bill running for President (or VP) may only be a smokescreen for him to garner enough backing to sell to another candidate." The reader goes on to say he doesn't think the Big Guy is ""svelte enough," that the American voter is "intractable about body image."

The Alligators leave no stone unturned in assessing the Guv. I do agree that he could just as likely be running for VP as Prez. Hey, at that level a lot of what happens is beyond your control. As for "body image," bulky Dick Cheney made it. Is that a good omen for our Guv?

Have some political news? Gossip? Speculation? Be my guest. E-mail me from the top right of this page and help your fellow political junkies keep up with the latest.

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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Hispanic Players Dominate NM Power Games, Plus: Feedback From The GOP Trail  

Big Bill & Manny
They are marking "Hispanic Culture Day" at the Roundhouse today. Anyone who spends more than a week here can tell you that the culture remains strong and vibrant. And neither is the political culture lacking in Hispanic representation. In fact, the current Legislative leadership is one of the most Hispanic ever. In the State Senate, leaders Altimirano, Sanchez and Garcia run the show. In the House, Speaker Lujan is the boss, assisted by Majority Leader Martinez. Only African-American Majority Whip Sheryl Williams-Stapleton breaks the Hispanic hold on the key power positions. Up on the Fourth Floor rules one of the most powerful Guv's in state history, Big Bill, who is also Hispanic. (All right, half-Hispanic.) Elsewhere, the state's two largest cities are guided by Hispanic mayors.

KKennedy & Sen. Chavez
The big ache for Hispanics is the all-Anglo NM Congressional delegation. The seat held by Tom Udall up North was designed to be Hispanic, but because the D's tried to take it over with a politically wounded Eric Serna, Udall has warmed the chair. The greatest U.S. Senator in NM history was Dennis Chavez whose election in the 30's was a major breakthrough, but since Joe Montoya in the 70's, no NM Hispanic has served in the "world's most exclusive club." And since Big Bill vacated the northern U.S. House seat NM Hispanics have been shut out in D.C.

One of the few remaining attractive attributes of modern New Mexico politics is the ability of the Anglos, Hispanics, Native Americans and African-Americans to get along. There is surprisingly little overt racism in the day-to-day political dance. Sure, behind-the scenes it can get rough, but New Mexico's politicos have been careful not to make race an issue. We may end up last in just about every national ranking, but when it comes to respecting one another on the political battlefield we rank near the top. May it ever be so.


Our write-up Thursday on GOP consultant Jay McCleskey and ex- state GOP Chair Dendahl drew comments worth noting. A McCleskey fan pointed out that he successfully managed John Sanchez's 2000 upset of then-State House Speaker Raymond Sanchez and also was a player in Bush's NM campaign where he beat out Kerry. Those go along with the prominent defeats the new Regional Political Director for the Southwest for the Republican National Committee has chalked up which were mentioned in our report.

And, according to a top R insider, current GOP Chair Allen Weh is not a "Dendahlite," contrary to our implication. "He does what Pete (Domenici) or sometimes (Heather) Wilson want, not what Dendahl wants," spoke our very tapped in corrector. Fair enough.

As for Weh's future with the party, GOP insiders say no prominent opposition candidate has emerged yet to take on Weh who was put in after Ramsay Gorham was couped by the Dendahlite's last year. ABQ R businessman Tom Tinnin told me two months ago that he was considering a run, but nothing since. Weh has indicated he will seek another one year term at the April GOP convention.


Michelle Arviso-Devlin, a former TV reporter who served for several years as spokesman for the Bernalillo County sheriff's department, is back in the TV game, but not in front of the camera. She recently started as a noon news producer for KOB-TV.....Big Bill crime advisor Bob Schwartz, reacting to our report that he won't seek the ABQ Mayors job this year, tells inquiring minds that he is "undecided." But Schwartz would have to give up his good-paying job to make a second run and the betting line remains against it.

Have some political news? Gossip? Speculation? Be my guest. E-mail me from the top right of this page and help your fellow political junkies keep up with the latest.

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Monday, February 07, 2005

All In The Family: Sister Of Big Bill's Lawyer Up For Judgeship; Plus: D's Chase Heather On Social Security, But She Escapes 

Is the sister of Big Bill's top lawyer about to land a district court judgeship in ABQ? That's the question buzzing in insider legal circles as word is out that three names have been recommended to the Guv to replace retiring ABQ Judge Wendy York. One of those names is the sister of Geno Zamora who just happens to be the chief legal counsel in the Guv'office. Geno's sister is 44 year old Monica Zamora, a UNM Law grad.

"It has some teeth grinding for sure," commented one legal beagle. Also raising eyebrows is that just three names, not the usual five, have been submitted to Big Bill for his decision on the judge vacancy."That increases her chances," said one legal beaver.

When a vacancy is created in a district judgeship the Judicial Selection Commission recommends names to the Guv. Do you think the Guv has an inside track to that commission? Nah, no way!
Stay tuned.


Meanwhile, Geno Zamora is also surfacing in the conversations of La Politica as a possible Dem candidate for Attorney General this year. It is talk that he is not discouraging. The legal sharpie is well-respected in Dem party circles. If he makes the run he would face-off with, among others, ABQ State Rep Al Park who has all but announced his intentions. Big Bill raised big bucks for Al's run for State House last year. Where will he be on the AG's race if Gino runs?

Dems thought they had an opening when ABQ GOP U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson went before the Legislature and called for an overhaul of Medicaid but did not even mention Social Security. The D's immediately fired off an e-mail: “When it comes to her position of upholding the promise of Social Security, Heather Wilson has waffled like a Belgian baker. Congresswoman Wilson needs to explain her preference to line the pockets of stock brokers instead of seniors, ” fired D state Chair Wertheim.

But the D's were shut out on this one. Heather told the ABQ Journal's Mike Coleman that she is against Bush's plan to privatize part of Social Security. She was smart to do so. A defining moment of her last campaign against Dem Richard Romero came when Romero tried to trip her up on the issue, one in which she has changed positions on since first running back in 98.' But Heather flattened Romero on live TV with a one word answer on privatizing: "No."

For popular Senator Pete it's easy to come out for the Prez's controversial plan, but for Heather a misstep on the issue could spell the end of her political career. Pollsters tell me her strongest backers are those over 55 and that's the group most opposed to Bush's plan. Heather also has to worry about splitting with the White House on yet another major issue; She did the same on a Medicare bill and observers say it cost her a seat on the House Armed Services Committee. But Wilson did what had to be done and while Wertheim's hasty hit shows the Dems are lying in wait, it also shows she remains elusive prey.


Rep. Steve Pearce has been added to the Homeland Security Committee and the House Financial Services Committee, say the Washington insiders....Pete Ross, an assistant district atttorney in Sandoval County passed away over the weekend, acccording to my insider e-mail. Ross lost a bid for D.A to Dem Lemuel Martinez, who is now on that list of possible contenders for Atttorney General in 06.’

Make our site, WWW.JOEMONAHAN.COM, one of your favorites and e-mail a link to interested friends. Interested in advertising to NM's large political community? E-mail me from the top right of this page, or call 505-243-4059 for details.

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