
Thursday, January 13, 2005

Is Heather A "Drama Queen" Or Is She Really In 'Trouble?' Exclusive Analysis From My Top D.C. And NM Sources, Plus: More From Capitol Hill 

Oh, the drama! Or is it really? The latest antics of ABQ GOP Congresswoman Heather Wilson has the Alligators out and fishing for the real story on her relationship with the U.S. House GOP leadership. Heather was quick to point out recently that she was in the doghouse with the chair of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee (upon which she sits) for making noise about the cost of the Bush Medicare drug proposal. She said she was threatened with removal from the committee. But the chair never issued a public statement and Heather ended up staying on the panel which is vital to New Mexico because it oversees money for Los Alamos and Sandia Labs.

Now Heather is saying she may be kicked off the House Armed Services Committee by conservative House ringleaders because she is too "independent." That committee is also vital to us because it authorizes money for the weapons portion of Sandia labs--about a billion bucks or so.

Heather needs a "waiver" from her Energy Committee chair to serve on Armed Services and is painting a pessimistic picture of her chances, even though she has asked top Republicans to help her. A decision will come later this month.


Dems and Washington insiders critical of Heather are saying all of this commotion is about her getting attacked in last year's election for being a lapdog of House Majority Leader Delay and his conservative minions. Here's two quotes cobbled together from insider D’s with D.C. backgrounds:

"Heather won handily, but the attacks on her for being too conservative in an independent district like Albuquerque did hurt her. A lot of us (Dems) think she is trying to shed that image in time for the next campaign and may be getting help from the very leaders she claims to be disagreeing with. She’s acting like a drama queen."

Does that mean Heather will end up staying on Armed Services as she did Energy, or will she really be kicked off and shown to be the "independent" she claims to be?

My DC sources say in the long run what really matters is that the ABQ congressperson be tapped in to the dough that keeps the town ticking. When it comes to that no one cares who looks "independent." If Heather is tossed from a committee that gives our area power and money it will not be a feather in her cap. It could, however, be a thorn in her side come the next campaign.


And what about sophomore Congressman Steve Pearce from southern NM and that coveted spot on the House Appropriations Committee he talked of getting during his campaign against D Gary King? Well, it turns out that Steve is still loved by Delay and company, but because of several insider factors he failed to get named to the most powerful of the committees. Says a Washington insider: "His chances will go up once he serves four years. Getting on that one takes more time." Pearce remains on the Resources and Transportation committees.


Still more from Capitol Hill: Insiders tell me the new chair of the all-powerful House Appropriations Committee knows about New Mexico. Our Gator in the know has this to say about Rep. Jerry Lewis of California. "He was a close friend of (the late NM Congressman) Joe Skeen and was the keynote speaker in 2002 at the dedication of the Joseph Skeen Library at New Mexico Tech in Socorro. Lewis has also appeared in Albuquerque to campaign and raise money on behalf of Heather Wilson."

And a final note from a top D.C. confidant who has seen and done it all. Commenting on Heather's real or imagined problems with the House leadership, he reminds us that back in the 70's former NM Congressman Harold "Mud" Runnels, a conservative from southern NM, lost his seat on the House Budget Committee whe he did not support a measure from House Speaker and top liberal Tip O'Neill. "Harold came out fine because he recognized Tip and the liberals were not supported down south."

Thanks to all my insiders for their help with today's report. You will get stuff like they give nowhere else so be sure to check back here often.


Just what is Big Bill and his 112 friends known as the NM Legislature up to? Join me and other media gabbers with moderator Kate Nelson Friday night at 8:30 p.m. on KNME-TV, Channel 5 as we preview the long, (oh, so very long) 2005 Legislative session. See you then and, as always, thanks for stopping by.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Can GOP Trip Up Big Bill On Anything? How About Voter ID? Plus: The Gorham's Goodbye  

Sen. Duran
Big Bill is out with another big proposed budget increase but the "conservative" Republicans in our Enchanted Land remain quiet as the proverbial church mouse. Does the cat have their tongues? Or is it that anything that says 'tax cut' leave them speechless and paralyzed to act?

There does seem one issue the often divided GOP might be able to rally around in the upcoming 60 day session: Voter ID. Alamogordo State Sen. Dianna Duran, a possible GOP candidate for Secretary of State in 2006, is all ready with a
voter ID bill and fellow Otero County lawmaker, State Rep. Terry Marquardt will introduce the same version in the House.

The Guv split with some Dems when he said favorable things about voter ID in the last campaign. Now the R's have an opportunity to hold his feet to the fire on an issue they enjoy overwhelming popular support on. But will they?


The Gorham's are going. That according to friends of the onetime NM power couple. Ramsay and Frank Gorham gave a lot of time and dough to the state GOP, but she was ousted in a coup and replaced by current chair Allen Weh. The Gorham family made a fortune in the oil business and friends say they will relocate to that oil capitol of Houston TX. They sold their North Valley home last year. Ramsay's ABQ North Valley senate seat went to lobbyist John Ryan in the November election. Frank served as chairman of the Bernalillo County GOP.

The Gorham's were called into service when the GOP chairmanship of John Dendahl had run its course. But the Dendahlites never forgave her and the party has yet to fully unite after the bitter battle that ended with her ouster early last year.


Another big name R, ABQ North Valley ex-State Rep and 04' Guv candidate John Sanchez, made the blog a while back when it was said he had built a home in the ABQ city limits and was eyeing a run for ABQ mayor. But I need to check that out further. That house may be in the county, according to R's in the know and Sanchez has not been making any noise about running for Mayor. He has, however, not ruled out another run for Guv in 06.'John, just make it easy on us and drop us an e-mail.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Big Bill: Movin' It To The Center, Plus: More Inside Info From The Innards Of The State Senate, And: Senator Pete Says No Time For The Pain 

Big Bill
It hasn't taken Big Bill very long to figure out where he thinks his Dem Party should go in the wake of the devastating loss to Bush. The Guv was making the national and local media rounds Monday touting his proposed legislation that would have the state pay for $250,000 worth of life insurance for the nearly 4,000 active members of the NM National Guard. No other state provides such a benefit and the Big Guy is getting some good national press on the measure, including a mention Sunday from Andrea Mitchell on NBC's "Meet The Press."

It's all part of the positioning for 2008 of course. And the Big Fella's supportive move of the military is not lost on those conservative Dems who abandoned the party in droves last year Some will call it pandering. Others will call it leadership pointing out that Big Bill at least has a compass and a road map to lead Dems out of their wilderness.


Top level Republicans are reacting to our Friday report detailing how the State Senate Dems will bust the coalition of R's and D's in the senate by giving wavering Dems plum committee posts. They see Big Bill's fingerprints all over the deal (which was apparently solidified at a Senate Dem caucus meeting this weekend).

Here's how one of those R's analyzed the new line-up in a late-night e-mail: "The interesting point is that while trying to give the possible malcontents something, he had to leave out many competent Senators who have been there for a while especially from up north. They might feel more responsibility about representing their constituents than representing Big Bill. Those that sold their souls for a committee chairmanship will now be obliged to answer to Bill. If they stick with the coalition the Dems will still be in control--committees will be proportional. Republicans will probably only get a couple of vice-chairs out of the deal--But maintaining the Senate's integrity will be the main thing."

Maintaining integrity is a great goal, but maintaining power is the first order of business. On that, Big Bill and the Dems are leaving the Senate R's in the dust, and the coalition too.


Meanwhile, back in the U.S. Senate Pete Domenici is saying he is rested and ready. This in the wake of continued speculation about the health of the 72 year old and whether he has the stamina to chair the Energy Committee. Pete will be 73 in May. He says new arthritis treatments have helped him and he is not in chronic pain. His late campaign foray into Indian country on behalf of Bush hurt Kerry here and in turn Big Bill. That also had to ease his pain.

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Monday, January 10, 2005

TV's Dianne Anderson Shifts To Radio; Will Join Larry Ahrens On New Talk Outlet, Plus: Together Again: Big Bill & The Sanchez Brothers 

Veteran TV news anchor Dianne Anderson will be back behind the microphones, but not the cameras, as she joins with former KKOB-AM radio host Larry Ahrens in trying her hand at talk radio, report reliable insiders. The duo will set up shop at AGM Radio in ABQ. It's unclear which FM frequency AGM will switch to accommodate the two high-profile talkers. Some industry sources say it will be at 106 FM. Whatever, they will have an uphill fight to get a significant audience, say the media experts.

"Diane is well-know but has shown little interest in politics or controversy, the staples of talk radio. There will be a curiosity factor but she will have to prove herself in a medium that in many ways is actually much tougher than TV. Larry also has high name recognition, but the station he will be on will have much less power than KKOB and it is doubtful he can attract the kinds of numbers he did there," analyzed one radio exec monitoring developments.

Anderson recently left KOAT-TV where she anchored for nearly 15 years. Friends say it was not related to poor ratings, even though KOAT has slid into third place in the 10 p.m. news for the first time in a generation. The comely anchorwoman said she wanted a more family-friendly schedule, but the station would not accommodate her. That brought some comments from fellow news hounds who pointed out that journalism is not a "family-friendly" profession and those who get ahead often sacrifice family life for the ratings race.

It will be several months before Anderson and Ahrens light up the phone lines at the new talker. They will do separate programs. Time will tell whether the magic they bottled at their old outlets will transfer to their new media home. Stay tuned.


Raymond Sanchez

Santa Fe wall-leaners think they see a behind-the-scenes deal in Big Bill's naming of former NM House Speaker Raymond Sanchez to the University of New Mexico Board of Regents. The conspirators think the Guv will now not have too hard a time with Raymond's Senate Majority Leader brother, Michael Sanchez, and Michael's well-known "independent streak." They think Raymond's appointment to the UNM board makes Michael "grateful" to the Guv for the appointment.

It's an open secret that Big Bill touted Sen. Phil Griego for Majority leader in the early going, but he could not make the grade. The naming of Raymond has other Alligators claiming Big Bill got a "twofer" with Raymond, pointing out that new House Majority Leader, Ken Martinez of Grants, is a protégé of Raymond, who in turn was a protégé of Kenny's father, the legendary former House Speaker Walter Martinez. Aaah, the web and intrigue of our beloved La Politica.


Republican Mario Burgos has caught the blogging bug. Burgos, who unsuccessfully sought a a seat in the state house last year, decided to stay in the game anyway and blogs regularly from his conservative armchair and PR shop in Santa Fe. You can check him out here.

Make our site, WWW.JOEMONAHAN.COM, one of your favorites and e-mail a link to interested friends. Interested in advertising to NM's large political community? E-mail me from the top right of this page, or call 505-243-4059 for details.

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